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XR-seq and Damage-seq workflows

This repository contains xr-seq and damage-seq workflows.


  • This workflow is prepared using Snakemake workflow management system and conda

  • To run the workflow, you should have conda installed for environment management. All the other packages including Snakemake and their dependencies can be obtained automatically through environments prepared for each step of the workflow. You can follow the installation steps from the link.

  • Initially, you should clone the repository and navigate into the directory:

    git clone
    cd xr-ds-seq-snakemake
  • Next, you should create a conda environment with the defined packages. Install mamba and create the environment using mamba:

    conda install -c conda-forge mamba
    mamba create -c bioconda -c conda-forge -c r -n repair snakemake=7.32.4 singularity=3.6.3
    conda activate repair

Directory Structure

This workflow is prepared according to the structure recommended by Snakemake:

  • config/: contains the configuration files.

  • logs/: contains the log files of each step. This folder will automatically appear when you run the workflow.

  • report/: contains the description files of figures, which will be used in reports.

  • resources/: contains samples/ where the raw XR-seq and Damage-seq data are stored, input/ where the input files are stored, and ref_genomes/ where the reference genome files are stored. Reference genome files can be automatically produced by the workflows, if they are properly defined in the config files.

  • results/: contains the generated files and figures. This folder will automatically appear when you run the workflow.

  • workflow/: contains envs/ where the environments are stored, rules/ where the Snakemake rules are stored, and scripts/ where the scripts used inside the rules are stored.

Configuration file

Before running the workflow, you should edit the configuration files. Both XR-seq and Damage-seq workflows run with the same configuration files, namely: config_initial.yaml and config.yaml. In most of the cases, config_initial.yaml file shouldn't be modified by the user since it contains the configuration settings that are common for all XR-seq and Damage-seq experiments. A config example and description of each parameter for "config.yaml" are given below:

    srr_id: "SRR3062593:SRR3062594:SRR3062595" 
    method: "XR"
    layout: "single"
    product: "CPD"
      enabled: True
        name: "SRR5461463"
        layout: "paired"
    srr_id: "SRR3062596:SRR3062597:SRR3062598" 
    method: "XR"
    layout: "single"
    product: "CPD"
      enabled: True
        name: "SRR5461463"
        layout: "paired"
    srr_id: "SRR5461433" 
    method: "DS"
    layout: "paired"
    product: "CPD"
      enabled: True
        name: "SRR5461463"
        layout: "paired"
    srr_id: "SRR5461434" 
    method: "DS"
    layout: "paired"
    product: "CPD"
      enabled: True
        name: "SRR5461463"
        layout: "paired"

  build: "hg19"
  link: ""
  • meta: contains the name of each sample w/o the extension. Using the given sample name, the workflow will look for {SAMPLE}.fastq.gz as raw data. Therefore, the fastq file must be gzipped before running the workflow. If the layout of the given sample is paired-end, the workflow will look for {SAMPLE}_R1.fastq.gz, {SAMPLE}_R2.fastq.gz or {SAMPLE}_1.fastq.gz, {SAMPLE}_2.fastq.gz as raw data. Therefore, paired-end sample files must contain _R1/2 or _1/2 suffixes and the suffixes should not be given to the sample names under meta. The description of parameters under each sample name are below:

    • srr_id: The SRR code of the sample.

      • Each downloaded raw data with the SRR codes will be named as the corresponding sample name in the sample parameter.

      • If a sample have multiple SRR codes, then the code should be provided in the given format: SRRXXXXXXX:SRRXXXXXXX:SRRXXXXXXX

      • If the fastq file is already provided in the resources/samples/ directory, workflow will directly use that file. In such a case, you don't have to provide this parameter.

    • method: Whether the given sample is subjected to XR-seq or Damage-seq experiments. 'XR' or 'DS' (case-insensitive).

    • layout: Whether the given sample is sequenced as paired-end or single-end. 'Single' or 'Paired' (case-insensitive).

    • product: Damage type of each sample. Currently damages below are available can be provided as (case-insensitive):

      • (6-4)PP: 64, 64pp, (6-4)pp, 6-4pp;
      • CPD: CPD;
      • Cisplatin: cisplatin;
      • Oxaliplatin: oxaliplatin.
    • simulation:

      • enabled: True if you want to generate simulated reads of your sample via boquila. If not, False should be provided.

      • input: If simulation will be done without an input file, input parameter and its subparameters should be removed. Contains name and layout parameters:

        • name: Simulation can be either done using the reference genome or with a provided input file. If an input file will be used, it's SRR code should be given. If the srr file of the input is already provided in the resources/input/ directory in gzipped fastq format, workflow will directly use that file. Even in that case, this parameter should be used as it will be used to set the name of the input file.

        • layout: Whether the given input file is sequenced as paired-end or single-end. 'Single' or 'Paired' (case-insensitive).

  • genome: Contains 2 parameters, which are build and link.

    • build: The name of the reference genome that the workflow will use. Any name desired by the user can be used.

    • link: The url of the reference fasta file to be retrieved. The file should be gzipped.

    • If the genome file is already downloaded, link parameter can be set as an empty string. The genome file should be stored in resources/ref_genomes/{build}/ named as genome_{build}.fa where {build} should be the string given in build parameter.

    • In addition, if bowtie2 indexing is completed as well, it can be stored in resources/ref_genomes/{build}/Bowtie2/, with files having genome_{build} prefix. However, since snakemake re-runs a rule if an input file is modified, one should check the modification date of the index files - date must be older than that of genome file - to prevent overwriting the already prepared index files.


After adjusting the configuration file, you can run the workflow from xr-ds-seq-snakemake directory.

snakemake --use-conda --use-singularity --cores 64 --keep-going --rerun-incomplete -pr 
Note: To run the workflow on Slurm Workload Manager as set of jobs, --profile flag must be provided instead of --cores:
snakemake --use-conda --use-singularity --profile config/slurm --keep-going --rerun-incomplete -pr

An example of Slurm configuration file can be found in config/slurm/config.yaml.

To generate detailed HTML report files, the code below should be run after workflow:

snakemake --report


This repository contains xr-seq and damage-seq pipelines.







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