A collection of amazing open source projects built by angolans developers
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- Apps, Softwares & Tools
- Awesomes & Lists
- Dart
- Elixir
- Go
- JavaScript
- Java
- Kotlin
- Python
- Ruby
- Swift
- Typescript
- Vue
HinarioCatolico by Nicolau NP
Catholic hymnal, songs and prayers.
camilger-comercial by Domingos Capitango & Adilson M. Fuxe
Commercial management system made with React js and Node Js.
xTimer by Pedro Massango
Flutter timer app.
cda-app by Coding Dojo Angola The CDA App will have as main objective to demonstrate individual and collective skills and competences of the CDA members to potential employers, freelancers hirers and society in general.
soupro-mobile by Sou Pro
Mobile app of Sou Pro plataform.
100-redteam-projects by Héber Júlio
Awesome projects for security students.
coisas-que-devem-estar-no-header-do-seu-site by Martins Silva
A list of metacharsets that cannot be missing from your site and can improve your site’s SEO.
pentest-checklist by Héber Júlio
An accurated list of things to test while pentesting.
boas-praticas-do-vue by Vue-js Angola
A list of best practices and style guides for use in VueJs.
guia-simplificado-do-git-para-iniciantes by Martins Silva
A simple guide with all the main commands to get started with Git and Github.
Desafios by CDA
List of logic / programming challenge platforms.
awesome-list-vue-angola by Vue-js Angola
An incredible list of the VueJS ecosystem.
my_flutter_challenges by Pedro Massango
Flutter project containing all my flutter UI challenges.
Vue-Study-Content by Acidiney Dias
All material about vuejs for your studies in diferents languages.
Rust-Learn by Acidiney Dias
A repository that contains all my study test of rust, following the documentation or other way.
Learn-Adonis by Acidiney Dias
A single repository learn about routing, upload files, controllers, auth with adonis.
dojophp by Coding Dojo Angola
PHP challenges
map-challenges by Fimba Code
Map apps with Dart/Flutter challenges.
algorithm-challenge by Fimba Code
Algoritms challenges for beginners.
Data-Structures-Algorithms by Joselson Dias
Data structures and algorithms Swift are very important concepts for every programmer. This is a short tutorial of my experience with algorithms and data structures.
vagas by Backend Angola Jobs repositories.
my-flutter-challenges by Eleandro Duzentos
All my Flutter Challenges
- referencer by Marco Craveiro
Clone of Gnome Referencer from launchpad.
- Wayami-Framework by Edvaldo Afonso
Wayami is a css framework developed to speed up the development of Web Applications, Websites..
bottom_navy_bar by Pedro Massango
A beautiful and animated bottom navigation.
titled_navigation_bar by Pedro Massango
A beautiful and simple bottom navigation bar with smooth animation when switching selected item.
color_generator by Eleandro Duzentos
A simple Flutter color generator app built with Cubit + Freezed.
- small-url by Alexandre Antonio Juca
Free and Open Source URL Shortener with real time capabilities built with phoenix framework and elixir.
kutala-api-gateway by Paulo Lopes Estevão
Kutala é uma api gateway gerenciador de tráfego, controla o acesso aos seus sistemas e serviços de back-end, 360 de uma aplicação.
mangope-api by Gentil Pinto
Is an implementation of AngoProvsAPI in @golang
covidango by Marco Pitra
Site to save Angola from COVID-19 - S.O.S. Angola.
dicionarius-angola-api by Martins Silva
API with common entries and Angolan slang.
Poligloz by Wilmy Danguya
API created to translate texts in any type of system.
Poligloz by Fernando do Santos
Covid-tracker is a web app that reports on Covid cases worldwide.
inter by Denis
The javascript library to build highly interactive front-end web applications.
rn-async-storage-flipper by Faustino Kialungila
React Native's Async Storage logger for Flipper
vscode-swap by Faustino Kialungila
VS Code extension for text swapping
cipher-challenges by Fimba Code
cipher algorithms challenge
proxypay-api by Joao Nzango II
An API wrapper of ProxyPay API written in Nodejs and ❤️ in Luanda 🇦🇴
macos-monterey by Alexandre Antonio Juca
Clone of macOS Monterey that runs in your browser.
Java-Load-Balancer by Joselson Dias
This is a project that I have created in 2018 for the class of Distributed Network Architecture at the department of Science and Technology at Nottingham Trent University. It is a load balancer created built using Java
Kiyo by Alexandre Antonio Juca
A simple android permissions library for devices running android marshmallow +
- BiometricKit by Alexandre Antonio Juca
A simple android library for handling the complexities of android fingerprint authentication
covid-19-ao-api by Ravelino De Castro
Covid-19 Ao Api is an Angolan API created to show in real time the information about the cases of the corona virus detected in the Angolan territory.
doesangue-core by Give Blood
Online platform that connects people interested in blood donation
salespanel by Linka Softwares
Sales and Report dashboard that gives you the control
portaldev by Coding Dojo Angola
Plataforma de vagas e contratação de freelancers em Angola
Mucua by Daniel AC
Mukua is a new framework for beginning backend of the PHP
QueroBukar by Daniel AC
Library management System, allow add and sell book, show book report, allow studant require book from android app. full crud ---Sistema de gestão de biblioteca, permite o cadastro de livros, gera relatórios, permite que estudantes solicitem livros apartir de app android e que participem de um fórum estudantil.
Backend-Password-Cracker by Joselson Dias
A simple password cracker tool based in PHP
nero-phishing-server by Héber Júlio
A full HTTP server for Phishing. Downloads recursively the entire webpage.
deep-web-scrapping by Héber Júlio
Discover hidden deepweb pages.
Api_Identity by Paulo Lopes Estevão
API Indentifacação do BI e NIF
provincias_de_angola_api by Gentil Pinto
API developed to provide data from provinces and municipalities in the Angolan territory.
gitfinder by Gentil Pinto
A simple tool that allows find GitHub users by his username.
covid-19-scraper by helcio andre
This app scrapes for data at https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus, presents general information in tables and allows the user to search statistics about covid-19 by country.
CardMotion-SwiftUI by Fimba Code
Animated digital debit/credit card based in SwiftUI
Neumorphism by Joselson Dias
A new UI design trend that is based on casting inner and outer shadows to give the illusion of extruded shapes
SwiftUI-language-localization by Joselson Dias
The objective of this simple SwiftUI application is making it display its user interface in other languages. It is very simple in SwiftUI and it will be widely adopted in all my future apps. The most difficult aspect will be to make sure that translations are correct and verified by native speakers.
Angola-Api by Lutero Elavoco & Adilson M. Fuxe
We're inspired by the Brazilian organization called Brasil Api and decided to gather as much information as necessary about Angola and distribute it free of charge.
discord-bot by Fimba Code
A discord bot for an software developer community a contributed to 🤖
aws-s3 by Faustino Kialungila
S3Client - A Javascript Library for AWS S3 File Upload
jw-player-api by Faustino Kialungila
A library wrapper around JW Player API
- developers.ao by Eleandro Duzentos
Find developers based in Angola.
Angolan community of Vuejs developers.
Programador Angolano
A community of Angolan programmers and open source lovers.
Community of Angolan Developers.
Coding Dojo Angola
O Coding Dojo Angola é um espaço onde interessados em desenvolvimento de software em Angola poderão se reunir para aprender e ensinar programação, procurar informações sobre vagas de empregos nas TIC's e para que empresas possam encontrar talento angolano..
Fimba Code
Fimba Code.
It's hard to calculate project popularity, so we use stars as a measurement. It's not quite fair, but it is what we have here on GitHub.
If you want to add a project to this list, please make sure that:
- The project was created by developers born in Angola
- The project can't be just a personal, experimental or sample project
- Place them in alphabetical order
- If they meet the requirements above, feel free to create a PR!
- 🇧🇷 awesome-made-by-brazilians for some ideas to improve template and change the project name.
- 🇷🇺 awesome-made-by-russians for some ideas to improve template and change the project name (initially