#include <BowlerCom.h>
BowlerCom com(Serial);
void setup() {
void loop() {
A library for controlling Bowler devices with C
#Theory Of Operation
The Bowler stack is based off of a pair of abstract data streams. These streams can be passed to the Bowler Server stack to be processed into packets.
The streams are contained in the "BYTE_FIFO_STORAGE" struct. The FIFO is initialized by the stack by passing it a buffer and the size.
static BYTE privateRXCom[comBuffSize];
static BYTE_FIFO_STORAGE store;
Once the FIFO for receiving packets is established, bytes can be added from whatever physical layer is needed:
BYTE err;
BYTE b= getLatestByte();
FifoAddByte(&store, b, &err);
The FiFO can be checked for a packet by calling a GetBowlerPacket(), then processed by the stack:
BowlerPacket Packet;
//Now the Packet struct contains the parsed packet data
// The call backs for processing the packet have been called
// and the Packet struct now contains the data
// to be sent back to the client as a response.
int i=0;
for(i=0;i< GetPacketLegnth(&Packet);i++){
//Grab the response packet one byte at a time and push it out the physical layer
To add new RPC's to the stack, we create a linked list element called a Namespace.
For a detailed example of different types of functionality take a look at the PID namespace:
To add a standard namespace, such as PID, to the stack, call addNamespaceToList:
addNamespaceToList((NAMESPACE_LIST * ) getBcsPidNamespace());
This new namespace and its call backs will be added to the Process_Self_Packet function call.
To make a custom namespace, first you define the NAMESPACE_LIST linked list struct element. This also requires a call back function for asynchronus packets.
BOOL pidAsyncEventCallbackLocal(BowlerPacket *Packet,BOOL (*pidAsyncCallbackPtr)(BowlerPacket *Packet)){
//Run any cooperative tasks
//Pack and send any packets, more then one is ok
static NAMESPACE_LIST bcsPid ={ "bcs.pid.*;1.0;;",// The string defining the namespace
NULL,// the first element in the RPC list
&pidAsyncEventCallbackLocal,// async for this namespace
NULL// no initial elements to the other namesapce field.
Next you define an RPC struct element. This element includes the callback for processing the specified RPC packet.
static RPC_LIST bcsPid__PID={ BOWLER_GET,
((const char [2]){ BOWLER_I08,//channel
0}),// Response arguments
BOWLER_POST,// response method
((const char [3]){ BOWLER_I08,//channel
BOWLER_I32,//current position
0}),// Response arguments
NULL //Termination
Finally you add the new RPC's to the namespace and the new namespace to the processing stack:
addRpcToNamespace(&bcsPid,& bcsPid__PID);
wget http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/xc32-v1.00-linux.zip
unzip xc32-v1.00-linux.zip
sudo chmod +x xc32-v1.00-linux-installer.run
sudo ./xc32-v1.00-linux-installer.run
sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes avr-libc gcc-avr git build-essential