Kangaroos have large, powerful hind legs, large feet adapted for leaping and so does the Kangaroo network scanner.
The kangaroo network scanner supports (or will support) the following features.
Kangaroo leverages the builder pattern to ensure its always configured correctly before usage.
begin with a ScannerBuilder.Configure() method
// IScanner implements IDisposable so optionally use a using statement
using var scanner = ScannerBuilder.Configure()
If no additional options are provided the kangaroo will grab your first network interface that is up and use that subnet for scans. (lies, not yet)
Begin chaining addition options together as depicted.
using var scanner = ScannerBuilder
.WithAddresses([ip1, ip2, ip3...])
.WithParallelism(numberOfBatches: 10)
LoggerFactory.Create(builder =>
var nodes = await scanner.QueryNetwork();
Optionally kangaroo can use specific IPs, a range of IPs, or scan an entire subnet
ip address collection
using var scanner = ScannerBuilder
.WithAddresses([ip1, ip2, ip3...]) // provide an IEnerable of IP addresses
using var scanner = ScannerBuilder
.WithSubnet("", "") // provide an ip subnet to scan
network interface
using var scanner = ScannerBuilder
.withInterface(ethernet2) // provide an adapter to determine a subnet (optinal string name)
range of ips
using var scanner = ScannerBuilder
.WithRange(startIpAddress, endIpAddress) // provide a start and end address to scan a range of IPs
After the ips are determined you can optionally execute the scans using the TPL, add the WithParallelism method and provide a batch size. Each batch of IP addresses will be scanned in parellel. Each batch will contsin the number of IP addresses divided by the size of the provided addresses.
using var scanner = ScannerBuilder
.WithParallelism(numberOfBatches: 10) // of 254 addresses 25 batches of 10 addresses will be scanned.
The ping can be configured as well. optional timeout and TTL can be provided to effectively speed up or slow down each query. A shorter timeout will allow kangaroo to fail faster on an unknown address. The TTL can be configured to ensure you are only scanning IP addresses within a physical boundary. A TTL of 1 would only ping devices on the physical switch.
using var scanner = ScannerBuilder.Configure()
using var scanner = ScannerBuilder.Configure()
using var scanner = ScannerBuilder.Configure()
.WithLogging(_logger) //Provide a logger
using var scanner = ScannerBuilder.Configure()
.WithLogging(() => ILogger) //Provide a logger func
So now you have a new Kangaroo Scanner. lets scan, await a call to QueryAddresses(optionalCtx)
to return a ScanResult
containing a list of network nodes, and scan results.
var nodes = await scanner.QueryNetwork();
Await a call to the QueryAddresses to query all the IP addresses provided. Depending on the ocnfiguration each query could take anywhere from 5 seconds to several minutes.
Individual nodes can be queried as well.
var node = await scanner.CheckNetworkNode();
The results of each scan will include the elapsed time and other properties.