Releases: Clinical-Genomics/scout
Releases · Clinical-Genomics/scout
Dockerfiles, pydantic case parsing and gene variants fixes
- Created a Dockefile to be used to serve the dockerized app in production
- Modified the code to collect database params specified as env vars
- Created a GitHub action that pushes the Dockerfile-server image to Docker Hub (scout-server-stage) every time a PR is opened
- Created a GitHub action that pushes the Dockerfile-server image to Docker Hub (scout-server) every time a new release is created
- Reassign MatchMaker Exchange submission to another user when a Scout user is deleted
- Expose public API JSON gene panels endpoint, primarily to enable automated rerun checking for updates
- Add utils for dictionary type
- Filter institute cases using multiple HPO terms
- Vulture GitHub action to identify and remove unused variables and imports
- Updated the python config file documentation in admin guide
- Case configuration parsing now uses Pydantic for improved typechecking and config handling
- Removed test matrices to speed up automatic testing of PRs
- Switch from Coveralls to Codecov to handle CI test coverage
- Speed-up CI tests by caching installation of libs and splitting tests into randomized groups using pytest-test-groups
- Improved LDAP login documentation
- Use lib flask-ldapconn instead of flask_ldap3_login> to handle ldap authentication
- Updated Managed variant documentation in user guide
- Fix and simplify creating and editing of gene panels
- Simplified gene variants search code
- Increased the height of the genes track in the IGV viewer
- Validate uploaded managed variant file lines, warning the user.
- Exporting validated variants with missing "genes" database key
- No results returned when searching for gene variants using a phenotype term
- Variants filtering by gene symbols file
- Make gene HGNC symbols field mandatory in gene variants page and run search only on form submit
- Make sure collaborator gene variants are still visible, even if HPO filter is used
Fix gene panel edit and clarify custom inheritance models
- Start Scout also when loqusdbapi is not reachable
- Clearer definition of manual standard and custom inheritance models in gene panels
- Gene panel crashing on edit action
Improved gene symbol alias handling in variants filtering
- Display Gene track beneath each sample track when displaying splice junctions in igv browser
- Check outdated gene symbols and update with aliases for both RD and cancer variantS
- Added query input check and fixed the Genes API endpoint to return a json formatted error when request is malformed
- Typo in ACMG BP6 tooltip
New gene index in OMIM diagnoses and avoid dropping HPO and OMIM terms collection when updating database
- Added database index for OMIM disease term genes
- Do not drop HPO terms collection when updating HPO terms via the command line
- Do not drop disease (OMIM) terms collection when updating diseases via the command line
Fix missing indexes after genes update. Custom collections index building/updating
- Specify which collection(s) update/build indexes for
- Do not drop genes and transcripts collections when updating genes via the command line
Freeze PyMongo version, speedup creating/updating of gene panels and Phenomizer timeout problems
- Freeze PyMongo lib to version<4.0 to keep supporting previous MongoDB versions
- Speed up gene panels creation and update by collecting only light gene info from database
- Avoid case page crash on Phenomizer queries timeout
Better cancer SV filtering, stricter config file checks on case loading and other improvements
- Choose custom pinned variants to submit to MatchMaker Exchange
- Submit structural variant as genes to the MatchMaker Exchange
- Added function for maintainers and admins to remove gene panels
- Admins can restore deleted gene panels
- A development docker-compose file illustrating the scout/chanjo-report integration
- Show AD on variants view for cancer SV (tumor and normal)
- Cancer SV variants filter AD, AF (tumor and normal)
- Hiding the variants score column also from cancer SVs, as for the SNVs
- Enforce same case _id and display_name when updating a case
- Enforce same individual ids, display names and affected status when updating a case
- Improved documentation for connecting to loqusdb instances (including loqusdbapi)
- Display and download HPO gene panels' gene symbols in italics
- A faster-built and lighter Docker image
- Reduce complexity of
endpoint moving some code to the panels controllers - Update requirements to use flask-ldap3-login>=0.9.17 instead of freezing WTForm
- Use of deprecated TextField after the upgrade of WTF to v3.0
- Freeze to WTForms to version < 3
- Remove the extra files (bed files and madeline.svg) introduced by mistake
- Cli command loading demo data in docker-compose when case custom images exist and is None
- Increased MongoDB connection serverSelectionTimeoutMS parameter to 30K (default value according to MongoDB documentation)
- Better differentiate old obs counts 0 vs N/A
- Broken cancer variants page when default gene panel was deleted
- Typo in tx_overview function in variant controllers file
- Fixed loqusdbapi SV search URL
- SV variants filtering using Decipher criterion
- Removing old gene panels that don't contain the
v4.41.1 hotfix release
This is a hot fix patch release, correcting a crash issue with case general report generation when reports include assessments for a variant with different assessments on other cases for the same institute (same variant_id, institute_id different case_id).
Query optimizations and a few fixes
- Extended the instructions for running the Scout Docker image (web app and cli).
- General case report sorting comments for variants with None genetic models
- Do not crash but redirect to variants page with error when a variant is not found for a case
- UCSC links coordinates for SV variants with start chromosome different than end chromosome
- Human readable variants name in case page for variants having start chromosome different from end chromosome
- Avoid always loading all transcripts when checking gene symbol: introduce gene captions
- Slow queries for evaluated variants on e.g. case page - use events instead
- Rearrange variant page again, moving severity predictions down.
- More reactive layout width steps on variant page
Fixed case report crashing due to missing key/values
- Variants dismissed with inconsistent inheritance pattern can again be shown in general case report
- General report page for variants with genes=None
- General report crashing when variants have no panels
- Added other missing keys to case and variant dictionaries passed to general report