MITOMAP annotations support, Splice Junction Tracks and maintenance
Load and show MITOMAP associated diseases from VCF (INFO field: MitomapAssociatedDiseases, via HmtNote)
Show variant allele frequencies for mitochondrial variants (GRCh38 cases)
Extend "public" json API with diseases (OMIM) and phenotypes (HPO)
HPO gene list download now has option for clinical and non-clinical genes
Display gene splice junctions data in sashimi plots
Update case individuals with splice junctions tracks
Simple Docker compose for development with local build
Make Phenomodels subpanels collapsible
User side documentation of cytogenomics features (Gens, Chromograph, vcf2cytosure, rhocall)
iSort GitHub Action
Show other causative once, even if several events point to it
Filtering variants by mitochondrial chromosome for cases with genome build=38
HPO gene search button triggers any warnings for clinical / non-existing genes also on first search
Fixed a bug in variants pages caused by MT variants without alt_frequency
Tests for CADD score parsing function
Fixed the look of IGV settings on SNV variant page
Cases analyzed once shown as rerun
Missing case track on case re-upload
Fixed severity rank for SO term "regulatory region ablation"
Refactor according to CodeFactor - mostly reuse of duplicated code
Phenomodels language adjustment
Open variants in a new window (from variants page)
Open overlapping and compound variants in a new window (from variant page)
gnomAD link points to gnomAD v.3 (build GRCh38) for mitochondrial variants.
Display only number of affected genes for dismissed SVs in general report
Chromosome build check when populating the variants filter chromosome selection
Display mitochondrial and rare diseases coverage report in cases with missing 'rare' track
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