These are the 3D printable STL and Design files relating to Handy which were originally forked from the amazing OpenBionics design files (See fork above!).
- Blender/RightHand - The actual original Blender files if your interested in making your own modifications.
- Handy-Arm - where we are placing files we have been tinkering with to produce the Arm and Socket to connect the Hand to Kayden our teenage tester.
- Modified STL's for Handy - contains a folder also for parts we have modified to enable the Handy Electronics to fit inside.
- Release STL's - The release STL files ready for slicing and printing but remember to replace the parts in these folders with those in the Modified STL's folder.
- STLs - More STL files from the OpenBionics project of various parts of the hand with Blender Files (You shouldn't need these...)
- Assemby Guide - Kinda self explanatory really...
- Ordered Parts - A spreadsheet with quantities and links to suppliers of the parts you will need to complete the build of #Handy.