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CanvaScipt is a library for Java.it run the server enabling Java as a server-side langange.it's lighter than JSP(if you are wondering Java Server Pages)if you have issues please go to https://github.com/CleanCode-backup/CanvaScript/issues and make a new issue.also if you can do a pull request please do that.that will make my day 😊!you can go to https://github.com/CleanCode-backup/CanvaScript/pulls for that.
Welcome to the To Tutorials,for full documentation go to the Docs(if you are wonder the folder doc is a part of the library.) in order to use the libary use the
import cavnascript.core
in this Tutorial we will make a simple blog that show the data from a file on the server. make a file call index.java.
package com.example.index;
import canvascript.core;
class Index {
create("your/app/path","index.html","My CanvaScript App");
render("<p>Hello CanvaScript World </p>")