- Python
- Django
- Djoser
- Created a fully functioning API project for Little Lemon restaurant, enabling client application developers to build web and mobile applications.
- Implemented user role-based access control, including Managers, Delivery Crew, and Customers, allowing users to browse, add, and edit menu items, place orders, assign delivery crew, and manage orders.
- Employed proper error handling with appropriate HTTP status codes for specific errors, ensuring robust and secure API functionality.
- Utilized Djoser to automatically generate user registration and token generation endpoints.
- Developed Menu Items endpoints, facilitating menu item management for both Customers and Delivery Crew, with Manager-exclusive access to create, update, and delete menu items.
- Created User Group Management endpoints for Managers to manage Manager and Delivery Crew user groups, with user assignment and removal capabilities.
- Implemented Cart Management endpoints for Customers, enabling them to view, add, and delete menu items in their carts.
- Designed Order Management endpoints for Customers, Managers, and Delivery Crew, allowing order creation, update, and deletion, with status management for order processing and delivery tracking.
- Ensured comprehensive API functionality for a seamless and efficient restaurant management system.