- Introduction to Algorithms
- Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach
- Test Driven Development for Embedded C
- The ANSI C Programming Language
- The C++ Programming Language
- Secure Coding in C and C++
- The C Programming Language
- Understanding and Using C Pointers
- C++ primer
- C in a Nutshell
- Understanding Machine Learning Theory
- Apprendre le Machine Learning en une semaine In french
- Deep Learning
- Kubernetes: Up and Running
- Docker Deep Dive
- Building Secure and Reliable Systems
- Hand-On Security in DevOps
- Learning DevSecOps
- Securite informatique - Ethical Hacking In french
- SSH Mastery
- Hacking: The Art of Exploitation
- The Shellcoder's Handbook
- Gray Hat Hacking
- Black Hat Rust
- Learning Linux Binary Analysis
- Black Hat Python
- Penetration Testing: A Hands-On Introduction to Hacking
- Game Hacking
- Serious Cryptography
- Reverse Engineering for Beginners
- Nmap Network Scanning
- Black Hat Go
- The Ghidra Book
- Practical Binary Analysis
- Game programming patterns
- Language Implementation Patterns
- Learning Python
- Byte of Python
- Django for Beginners 3.1
- Flask Web Development
- Python Data Science Hanbook
- Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Kerasm and TensorFlow
- Automate the boring stuff with Python
- Python Basics : A practical introduction to Python 3
- Programming from the Ground Up A good book to learn the core concepts of x86 Assembly for 32 bits machines
- Learn to Program with Assembly A book from the same author to learn x86-64 Assembly
- Modern x86 Assembly Language
- Pro Git
- Learning Perl
- Learning the vi and Vim Editors
- Mastering Regular Expressions
- Crafting Interpreters
- Effective Typescript
- Efficient R Programming
- Operating Systems: Design and Implementation
- Architecture des ordinateurs In french
- GNU Make Manual
- Mastering CMake
- Everything Curl
- 100 fiches pour organiser sa veille technologique In french
- Scala by Example
- Parsing Techniques
- Practical Vim
- Awesome SSH Collection of SSH Tools
- Attack Methodology for JWT Tokens
- APT-42 Ressources
- Binary Dissection Course
- The Book of Secret Knowledge
- Project-Based Learning
- Assembly Tutorial
- DevSecOps-Playbook
- Dav1d project by VLC Lightweight av1 cross-platform decoder
- Vim Reference Vim guide to learn by example
- Self-Hosting Guide
- Tsoding Daily
- Github
- Vercidium Game Engine Developer
- TechWorld with Nana DevOps Engineer
- Theodore Bendixson Game Engine Developer
- Ben Eater Assembly Videos
- Low Level Learning
- HackerSploit Leading provider of free infosec and cybersecurity training
- OpenSecurity Training
- Application Security Knowledgebase
- Hacker-Roadmap Different from the one in roadmap.sh
- Exploit Database
- Introduction au reverse In french
- The cryptopals crypto challenges
- Secure Programming HOWTO A set of implementation guidelines to write secure programs
- CTF-Wiki An extensive list of CTF websites (more than 20) where one can learn about cybersecurity
- OWASP Cheat Sheet Series A collection of OWASP ressources about application security
- Markdown Guide
- Web Skills MindMap
- RoadMap Website Contains a lot of great community-made roadmaps
- Alliance for Open Media Lots of ressources from AOM
- Project Euler Mathematics/Computer Programming Problems
- Archive site du zéro In frech
- Imagemagick Package
- Optimization resources
- Shellcheck Shell scripts linter
- Google Style Guide Google guidelines for formatting code
- MIT OpenCourseWare
- edX
- FUN-MOOC Also available in french
- codecademy
- Django Documentation
- Flask Documentation
- Scikit-Learn Documentation
- Numpy Documentation
- Pandas Documentation
- Matplotlib Documentation
- BeautifulSoup Documentation
- GNU Make Manual
- NASM Documentation
- Metasploit Documentation
- Kali Linux Documentation
- VLC Documentation
- The Linux Documentation Project
- Vim Documentation
- Intel Developers Documentation
- Go documentation
- Github Actions Documentation
- Rust Documentation
The tutorials will mainly be from the documentation of the mentioned entities. However it will be explicitely mentionned when they aren't
- Python Documentation Tutorial
- Tutoriel Python In french non official
- Xlib
- Tronche Tutorial non official
- Scikit-Learn
- numpy
- pandas
- matplotlib The source code is written in C and C++