Improved invalid WMS layers feedback.
Buttons for the Embeds
Added an alert so the user knows when a private map viz.json is used.
Allow CSVs with multiline inside for importing.
Bugs Fixed
Legend number is null when apply filter.
Metatile with too many features is messing up some maps.
Problems importing a kml.
Problem with sequel and columns with same name in different schemas.
Changed embed to open password dialog when visualization needs password.
Infowindow data is cached when feature is edited.
SQL is being send in viz.json for torque layer with named maps.
'searchControl' doesn't work using CartoDB.js and a viz.json.
Legends should be activated by default after applying a choropleth / category / intensity / etc... wizard.
named maps does not manage queries with !bbox!
Roo Excel import Ruby gem takes too long on big files.
If user types a non valid number within a number widget, a JS error appears.
viz.json includes wrong layer_index.
public map + pass protected vis is not returning named map in viz.json.
When discards adding a new point, a javascript exception appears.
Going to protected_embed_map directly throws 404.
OSM import via URL broken due to URL format change.
Private visualizations should be allowed when private tables are enabled.
Private map created with empty css.
Keep getting an error when setting new Torque CSS in dashboard.
Layer selector does not work in gmaps.
Fixed typo in api keys view.
You can’t perform that action at this time.