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Wall_e Coding Tips

Jace Manshadi edited this page Sep 15, 2024 · 3 revisions

1. Text Command Tips

1.1. Text Command Help Message Configurations

Please follow the format below when adding a new help message so that layout is unified across all commands

        brief="short help message in main help embed",
            'Description of command purpose.\n'
            '---argument_1: argument_1 description\n'
            '---argument_2: argument_2 description\n\n'
            '.command_name "foo"\n'
            '.command_name "foo" "bar"\n\n'
        usage='foo [bar]'
    async def command_name(self, ctx, *args):

1.2. Text Command Privilege Configurations

Role Based Validation

    @commands.has_any_role("role1", "role2")
    async def command_name(self, ctx, *args):


    async def command_name(self, ctx, *args):

Permission Based Validation

    @commands.has_guild_permissions(administrator=True, manage_roles=True) # this does an AND
    async def command_name(self, ctx, *args):

Customizable Permission Checking

If the above examples don't provide a way for the sort of permission checking you are attempting, you can write your own logic using the below example

    def user_has_perms(ctx):
        return or

    async def command_name(self, ctx, *args):

2. Slash Command Tips

2.1. Slash Command Help Message Configurations

    @app_commands.command(name="command_name", description="command description")
    @app_commands.describe(argument_name="argument description")
    async def function_name(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, argument_name: str):

2.2. Slash Command Privilege Configurations

Role Based Validation

    async def command_name(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):


    @app_commands.checks.has_any_role("role1", "role2")
    async def command_name(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):

Permission Based Validation

    @app_commands.checks.has_permissions(administrator=True, manage_roles=True) # this does an AND
    async def command_name(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):

If the above examples don't provide a way for the sort of permission checking you are attempting, you can write your own logic using the below example

    def user_permission_check(interaction: discord.Interaction) -> bool:
        return interaction.user.guild_permissions.administrator or interaction.user.guild_permissions.manage_roles

    async def command_name(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):

2.3. Implementing Slash Commands Auto-Complete Menu

slash commands introduced the ability to provide users with a menu of options they can choose from for a command's argument. You can see this in action with the /iam command on the CSSS Discord guild OR

        # list of app_commands.Choice items
        # choice object example: app_commands.Choice(name="string that will be shown in discord, value="value passed to the command")
    async def command_name(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, argument_name: str):

If the options you want to provide need to be pulled from discord in some way, you can extend the functionality of the autocomplete function like this:

    async def argument_options(interaction: discord.Interaction, current: str) -> List[app_commands.Choice[str]]:
        // create choice object using data pulled from interaction and using "current" as a filter to pass the objects through
        return [choice]

    async def command_name(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, argument_name: str):

3. Adding a New Cog Class

General layout to follow when adding a new cog class

class NewCog(commands.Cog):

    def __init__(self, bot, config, bot_channel_manager):
        log_info = Loggers.get_logger(logger_name="NewCog")
        self.logger = log_info[0]
        self.debug_log_file_absolute_path = log_info[1]
        self.error_log_file_absolute_path = log_info[2]"[NewCog __init__()] initializing NewCog") = bot
        self.config = config
        self.guild: discord.Guild = None
        self.bot_channel_manager = bot_channel_manager

    async def get_guild(self):
        self.guild =[0]

    async def upload_debug_logs(self):
        if self.config.get_config_value('basic_config', 'ENVIRONMENT') != 'TEST':
            while self.guild is None:
                await asyncio.sleep(2)
            await start_file_uploading(
                self.logger, self.guild,, self.config, self.debug_log_file_absolute_path, "new_cog_debug"

    async def upload_error_logs(self):
        if self.config.get_config_value('basic_config', 'ENVIRONMENT') != 'TEST':
            while self.guild is None:
                await asyncio.sleep(2)
            await start_file_uploading(
                self.logger, self.guild,, self.config, self.error_log_file_absolute_path, "new_cog_error"

# specify any new command to listeners below

Adding to .ini files

Add the cog to the .ini files in the folder


If you need to add any logic to the cog class that the bot will execute as soon as the on_ready signal has been received [when its logged into the discord guild], use the below template

    async def function_name(self):
        while self.guild is None:
            await asyncio.sleep(2)
        # function logic

You can see the list of discord events that a discord bot can listen for here

4. App Commands Walk-through

the above documentation was adapted from

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