This is not a place where to store nagios checks. It can:
- get_url of a remote file (and check checksum)
- copy of a local file, perhaps available in files/
- set SELinux file contexts for checks if needed
Configuring nrpe, restarting nrpe is not part of this role.
a list of checks
nrpe_check_location: "/usr/local/nagios/libexec" nrpe_remote_url_checks: - { url: "http://url1/check_elasticsearch", name: "check_elasticsearch", checksum: "7e39171be1095b3c6a35c9649e3d5e73bcf76a3647b99fd7a205248a35d6a6f9" } nrpe_local_checks: - { path: "files/check_custom2", name: "check_custom2" } nrpe_check_selinux_contexts: - { target: "files/check_custom2", setype: "nagios_unconfined_plugin_exec_t", state: "present" }
The format of nrpe_pip_checks has changed after v1.1.0. Correct format is now:
nrpe_pip_checks: - nagiosplugin
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: ansible-role-nrpe }
- { role: ansible-role-nrpe-plugins }