Create Pool Accounts for WLCG/EGI Grid Site
- See old YAIM Guide
Accounts are defined as a list of dictionaries describing the user group.
For each group first the correspondig unix grouo mis created and then the user accounts.
- name - python format string
- uid - uid of the first account
- number - number accounts to be created
- step - uid of an account is uid + i * step
- description - command for /etc/passwd
- group - name of the group
- gid - gid of the groups
- groups - additional groups of which the accounts are member
- fqan - Fully qualified attribute name describing the relevant VOMS role
The example demonstrates the usage. If number is not defined, only one account name is created.
- name: 'cms%03d'
uid: 10000
number: 100
step: 2
description: 'Standard User of the CMS VO'
group: cms
gid: 10000
fqan: /cms
- name: 'cmsprd%02d'
uid: 11000
number: 10
step: 2
description: 'Production User of the CMS VO'
group: cmsprd
gid: 11000
groups: cms
fqan: /cms/Role=production
- name: 'cmspil%02d'
uid: 12000
number: 10
step: 2
description: 'Pilot User of the CMS VO'
group: cmspil
gid: 12000
groups: cms
fqan: /cms/Role=pilot
- name: 'cmssgm'
uid: 13000
description: 'SW User of the CMS VO'
group: cmssgm
gid: 13000
groups: cms
fqan: /cms/Role=lcgadmin
Additional settings
poolaccounts_homedir: /home
Prefix for the home directory
poolaccounts_enable_cleanup: false
Install and config grid cleanup routines for home directories
poolaccounts_enable_gridmapdir: false
Create gridmapdir for administration of grid accounts
poolaccounts_enable_grid-mapfile: false
Configure grid-mapfile for mapping of the accounts to VOMS attributes.
poolaccounts_enable_groupmapfile: false
Configure groupmapfile for mapping the groups to VOMS attributes.
- hosts: servers
- role: hephyvienna.poolaccounts
- name: 'cms%03d'
uid: 10000
number: 100
step: 2
description: 'Standard User of the CMS VO'
group: cms
gid: 10000
- name: 'cmsprd%02d'
uid: 11000
number: 10
step: 2
description: 'Production User of the CMS VO'
group: cmsprd
gid: 11000
groups: cms
- name: 'cmspil%02d'
uid: 12000
number: 10
step: 2
description: 'Pilot User of the CMS VO'
group: cmspil
gid: 12000
groups: cms
- name: 'cmssgm'
uid: 13000
description: 'SW User of the CMS VO'
group: cmssgm
gid: 13000
groups: cms
Written by Dietrich Liko in April 2019
Institute for High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences