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在 TideBit DeFi 自定義 EIP 712 contract 辦法
Emily Liang edited this page Mar 17, 2023
5 revisions
interface IDomain {
chainId: string;
name: string;
verifyingContract: string;
version: string;
- chainId: EIP-155中的鏈id aka Rinkeby testnet or Ethereum Main Net。用戶代理應當拒絕簽名如果和目前的活躍鏈不匹配的話。
- name: 用戶可讀的簽名域名的名稱。例如Dapp的名稱或者協議。
- verifyingContract:驗證簽名的合約地址。用戶代理可以做合約特定的網絡釣魚預防。
- version: 簽名域名的目前主版本。不同版本的簽名不兼容。
primaryType: string;
- primaryType: Refers to the keys of the types object below.
interface ITypes {
[key: string]: IType[];
interface IType {
name: string;
type: string;
optional?: boolean;
- Definition of typed structured data
- type member類型可以是 atomic type、dynamic type 或者 reference type。
- atomic type 有:bytes1到bytes32,uint8到uint256,int8到int256,bool和address
- dynamic type 有bytes和string。
- 定義 primary type 及 primary type 裡面用到的 reference type
message: IJSON;
type IJSON = string | number | boolean | null | IJSON[] | {[key: string]: IJSON};
- 根據 primary type 定義的 object
- 如果有 optional 的參數:
- 將 type: string 的 default 值設為 '' (空字串)
- 將 type: uint256 的 default 值設為 0
- 將 type: bool 的 default 值設為 false
interface IEIP712Data {
domain: IDomain;
message: IJSON;
primaryType: string;
types: ITypes;
const CFDOrderCreate: IEIP712Data = {
domain: {
chainId: '0x1',
name: 'TideBit-DeFi Create CFD Order',
verifyingContract: '0xCAFECA5CCD019431B17B132e45e6638Ee2397be8',
version: 'v1.0.0',
primaryType: 'CreateCFDOrderData',
types: {
CreateCFDOrderData: [
{name: 'ticker', type: 'string'},
{name: 'quotation', type: 'Quotation'},
{name: 'typeOfPosition', type: 'string'},
{name: 'price', type: 'uint256'},
{name: 'amount', type: 'string'},
{name: 'targetAsset', type: 'string'},
{name: 'uniAsset', type: 'string'},
{name: 'margin', type: 'Margin'},
{name: 'leverage', type: 'uint256'},
{name: 'liquidationPrice', type: 'uint256'},
{name: 'liquidationTime', type: 'uint256'},
{name: 'fee', type: 'uint256'},
{name: 'createTimestamp', type: 'uint256'},
{name: 'takeProfit', type: 'uint256'},
{name: 'stopLoss', type: 'uint256'},
{name: 'guaranteedStop', type: 'bool'},
{name: 'guaranteedStopFee', type: 'uint256'},
{name: 'remark', type: 'string'},
Margin: [
{name: 'asset', type: 'string'},
{name: 'amount', type: 'uint256'},
Quotation: [
{name: 'ticker', type: 'string'},
{name: 'targetAsset', type: 'string'},
{name: 'uniAsset', type: 'string'},
{name: 'price', type: 'uint256'},
{name: 'deadline', type: 'uint256'},
{name: 'signature', type: 'string'},
message: {
ticker: 'ETH',
typeOfPosition: 'BUY',
price: 21023,
amount: 2,
targetAsset: 'ETH',
uniAsset: 'USDT',
leverage: 5,
margin: {
asset: 'BTC',
amount: 112,
liquidationPrice: 19083,
liquidationTime: 1679030710,
createTimestamp: 1678944310,
fee: 0,
quotation: {
ticker: 'ETH',
targetAsset: 'ETH',
uniAsset: 'USDT',
price: 21023,
deadline: 1678944325,
signature: '0x',
takeProfit: 0,
stopLoss: 0,
guaranteedStop: 0,
guaranteedStopFee: 0,
remark: '',