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Climate model output rewriting of COSMO-CLM climate model data for CORDEX


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CCLM2CMOR - Climate model output rewriting of COSMO-CLM climate model data for CORDEX

Worldwide coordinated projects for climate data like CMIP and CORDEX demand that the data meet specific standards very strictly if they are supposed to be integrated and uploaded to an archive for a world wide distribution (typically an Earth System Grid Federation node (ESGF) or long term archives as World Data Centre for Climate (WDCC)). The model output has to be transformed to meet these specific standards, and this process is often referred to as CMOR, which stands for Climate Model Output Rewriting.

In this project we are developing a CMORization tool which works specifically for the COSMO-CLM (CCLM) model. However, the different processing steps are separated in such a way that it is also possible to use the tool with other models than the CCLM model.

We tried to implement all the details listed in the CORDEX archive specifications, version 3.1. Please read this document ( carefully to become familiar with the required standards.

Get the code from GitHub simply by typing git clone into your terminal.


The tool is written for a Unix operating system. For it to work, a number of command line tools and Python packages are needed. The command line programs you need are contained in the libraries NCO, netCDF and CDO: ncrcat, ncks, ncap2, ncatted (all from NCO), nccopy (from netCDF) and cdo

The program has been tested with the following versions and might not work with older versions:

  • NCO: 4.6.8
  • netCDF:
  • CDO: 1.9.0

For the first part of the script (see below) you need ksh. sbatch from the job scheduler SLURM is used to submit batch scripts. If your system is using a different job scheduler you have to modify this program.

For the Python packages please look into the .py source code files or just try to run the code to see which packages are missing. The code works with Python 2.7 and 3.6 (and maybe also older versions). The easiest way to get all necessary Python packages is with Miniconda: Download it ( and install it on your machine (no root rights necessary). Installing the package netCDF4 with conda install netCDF4 will then install all required Python packages.

The tool itself runs without installation.


Here is a quick overview of the different source code files and additional files, their location and their purpose. The location is relative to the source code directory src.

Filename Location Purpose
FIRST STEP . Job script that executes the first step of the CMORization . Configuration file for this first step
help . Prints helping information on the command line options of cclm_post First subscript cclm_post Variable information for first subscript cclm_post Second subscript cclm_post Job script to extract archives cclm_post Job script to delete archives
SECOND STEP . Job script that executes the second step of the CMORization (the Python script) CMORlight Main script of the second CMOR step. Calls all other Python functions.
control_cmor.ini CMORlight Configuration file CMORlight Sets up custom logger CMORlight Reads in configuration from control_cmor.ini and provides functions to read or change the entries CMORlight Processes some of the entries in the configuration file and reads in the variables table CMORlight Contains all the functions for processing the files
CORDEX_CMOR_CCLM_variables_table.csv CMORlight/Config Variables table for the CCLM model controlling which variables are processed at what resolution
CORDEX_CMOR_WRF_variables_table.csv CMORlight/Config Variables table for the WRF model CMORlight/Config NetCDF file containing e.g. latitude and longitude arrays for domain EUR-11 CMORlight/Config As above but for the domain EUR-44
ADDITIONAL add_scripts Python script to create the file for the first CMOR step


The CMOR process is divided into two subprocesses which are explained below.

First step

In a first step the model output data is prepared for the actual CMOR process: Separate yearly time-series files have to be created for each required variable with the time variable meeting the CORDEX requirements and taking the difference between instantaneous and interval representing variables into account. Additional required fields that are not contained in the model output have to be calculated. For each variable a separate folder (named exactly as the variable) with all the data files has to be created. The file names have to contain the variable name and the time range. For the variable TOT_PREC and the year 2007 the name would be the following:

Note that this step is dependent on the regional climate model used. In this project the step is carried out for the CCLM model. The scripts referred to in this section are not directly applicable to other models.

For the CCLM model the first step of CMOR can be achieved by calling the script Before that, adjust the file to your needs. You can change the name of the driving GCM and the driving experiment name, the time range for the post-processing, directory paths and some more specific settings which are explained later on. The available command line options are displayed with the command ksh --help. The script can either be called with the shell command ksh or with the job script command sbatch (if available on your machine) in the source directory. If using sbatch, change the name of your account and the location of the log output and error in the first few lines of Without the option --no_batch set, the script will continuously give out jobs using sbatch for one year each to process as many years simultaneously as possible. Try out first with ksh and --no_batch to see if the script runs and then use sbatch to have it most efficient. The program will extract (or just move if already extracted) the archived year directories from the archive directory (ARCHDIR) to the input directory of this first step (INDIR1). In batch mode, it actually extracts a number of years at once (controlled with num_extract in The base path to the archives has to be specified in, whereas the specific subdirectory ARCH_SUB for the chosen GCM and experiment is created in just after reading the command line arguments. How this subdirectory is created can be changed there.

You can also declare the driving GCM and the driving experiment name on the command line with the -g and -x option, respectively.

The master script calls two subscripts: and In the first script separate monthly time series files are generated for each variable. This script was extracted from the post-script routine of the subchain job-control from the CCLM starter package. Thus, if you use the post-processing of the starter package you do not need to carry out this step. Use the option --second to skip it. Otherwise you need to specify three values in The number of boundary lines (latitude and longitude) to be cut off from the data, NBOUNDCUT and the total number of grid points in longitudinal and latitudinal direction (before cut off) IE_TOT and JE_TOT. To set NBOUNDCUT you can look at the recommended extent of your domain in the CORDEX archive specifications ( For the first script to work another file has to be modified: Here the timeseries function is called for all variables to be processed. The first argument is the variable name and the second the output stream in which the variable is located in the model output. For variables on several pressure levels the function timeseriesp is used. The pressure levels PLEVS on which the variable is extracted into separate files can be specified right before the function as you will see in the example file of this package. To create you can use the Python script This script reads in the CORDEX_CMOR_CCLM_variables_table.csv to obtain the required variables (and levels) and the CCLM file which contains the information on the output streams (e.g. INPUT_IO.1949 in this package) and creates the file Specify the paths to the input files in

The second script invoked by ( concatenates monthly time-series data to annual files with different treatment of accumulated and instantaneous fields. Additionally, it manipulates the time variable and creates the additional required fields. In you can tell the program to process all available variables or restrict the processing to specific variables.

Finally the extracted archives are deleted: in case of batch processing after every year and with ksh after the script has finished.


Testing program in the login shell by processing the year 2005 for the given GCM and driving experiment:

ksh --no_batch -s 2006 -e 2006 -g ICHEC-EC-EARTH -x rcp85

Submit job for several years and overwrite output if already existent:

sbatch -s 2006 -e 2099 -O

Only run the second script, when first part was already carried out (e.g. by using the CCLM starter package):

sbatch -s 2006 -e 2099 -O --second

Second step

The actual CMORization takes place in the second step. The Python script processes each variable at the required/desired resolution. It derotates the wind speed variables, adds the correct global attributes, variable attributes and time bounds, concatenates the files to chunks depending on resolution and creates the correct directory structure and filenames.

Before running the program type export IGNORE_ATT_COORDINATES=1 into your terminal to make the derotation possible or include it into your terminal configuration file (e.g. .bashrc). If you use the job script (explained below), you do not need to do this.

The script is run with python [OPTIONS]. All available command line options are displayed when using the --help option and are repeated here. In most cases there is a short (starting with -) and a long option (starting with --):

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
 Driving experiment (e.g. historical or rcp85)
 Driving GCM
 Ensemble member of the driving GCM
-r RESLIST, --resolution RESLIST
 list of desired output resolutions, comma-separated (supported: 1hr (1-hourly), 3hr (3-hourly),6hr (6-hourly),day (daily),mon (monthly) ,sem (seasonal),fx (for time invariant variables)
-v VARLIST, --varlist VARLIST
 comma-separated list of variables (RCM or CORDEX name) to be processed
-a, --all process all available variables
-O, --overwrite
 Overwrite existent output files
-M MULTI, --multi MULTI
 Use multiprocessing and specify number of available cores.
-c, --chunk-var
 Concatenate files to chunks
--remove Remove source files after chunking
 Start year (and start month if not January) for processing. Format: YYYY[MM]
 End year (and end month if not December) for processing. Format: YYYY[MM]
-P, --propagate
 Propagate log to standard output.
-S, --silent Write only minimal information to log (variables and resolutions in progress, warnings and errors)
-V, --verbose Verbose logging for debugging
-A, --append_log
 Append to log instead of overwrite
-f, --force_proc
 Try to process variable at specific resolution regardless of what is written in the variables table
-n USE_VERSION, --use-version USE_VERSION
 version to be added to directory structure
 configuration file (.ini)
-d, --no_derotate
 no derotation of u and v variables
 which simulation specific settings to choose

In a file here called control_cmor.ini processing options, paths and simulation details are set. All lists in this file should be comma-separated and not contain spaces. In the last section (e.g. named settings_CCLM) of this file you can set simulation specific options such as global attributes. Note that some command line options can overwrite the settings in this file. Detailed instructions which variables should be processed with what method at which resolution are taken from a modified version of the CORDEX variables requirement table (pdf version here: Here a table for the CCLM model and for the WRF model are included. Specify which table to use in the configuration file (vartable). For other models you have to create your own table starting from the tables given here. Make sure to use the semicolon ";" as delimiter and include a header line.

If essential variables as lon, lat or rotated_pole are missing in the data, the script tries to copy them from a file specified under coordinates_file in the configuration file. Make sure to provide such a file suitable for your domain and resolution. Here, files for the domains EUR-11 and EUR-44 are provided.

If you want to process all variables in the table, use the --all option. Otherwise, specify the variables with --varlist (RCM or CORDEX names supported). You can also choose the resolutions at which to produce the output with --resolution or in the variable reslist in the configuration file.

You can limit the time range for processing by providing the start and end years on the command line (--start, --end). Otherwise, all available years are processed. If your data starts in a different month than January in the first year or ends in a different month than December in the last year, you have to add the month to the start or end years to avoid errors. Currently, seasonal processing only works if either the months 01 to 11 from the current year and month 12 from the previous year are present or months 03 to 11 from the current year.

The processing will finish much faster when using multiprocessing (option --multi). In this way several years are processed simultaneously. For this, specify the number of available cores after the --multi command and the desired time range over the command line. When multiprocessing, a log file for each year is created. Search for logged errors or warnings in all these files (e.g. with grep WARNING -r and grep ERROR -r in the log directory) to make sure everything went OK.

After the processing you can concatenate the files to chunks by running the script again with the --chunk-var option. Add the option --remove to this call to delete the superfluent yearly files .


Process all variables fully declared in the variables table at all resolutions specified in the configuration file (entry reslist):

python --all

Process precipitation (pr) and surface air pressure (ps) at a resolution of three hours (if declared in variables table for these variables) from 1949-12 to 2005-12 using 10 cores simultaneously for computing. Overwrite output if already existent:

python -M 10 -s 194912 -e 2005 -v pr,ps -r 3hr -O

Concatenate all monthly files to chunks for all available variables and delete original files afterwards

python --chunk-var --remove -r mon

More optional features

In the following some more advanced options are described:

  • You can use the job script to run the job on a compute node with sbatch [OPTIONS]. Specify your account and the location of log output and error in this file. You can directly pass the options of the python program. With the option --batch you can run several jobs simultaneously, processing cores years each (defined through the -M cores option).
  • If the units attribute of the time variable in your input data is not correct, you have to provide the correct time unit in the entry alt_units in the configuration file and set use_alt_units to True there.
  • You can create several configuration files and choose the one you want to use with the --ini option when running the main script Within each configuration file you can define several simulation specific sections (always named settings_[EXT]) and choose one by specifying the extension EXT in the configuration file (entry simulation) or on the command line (option --simulation).
  • The logger has some additional command line options: verbose (--verbose) and silent (--silent) logging, propagation to standard output (--propagate) and appending to file instead of overwriting (--append_log)
  • The entries global_attr_list and global_attr_file control which global attributes should be taken from the configuration file and from your input data files, respectively.
  • You can specify the variables to be processed by default and the variables to be automatically skipped in the configuration file entries varlist and var_skip_list, respectively.
  • If you want to add vertices to your output files, you have to specify a file from which to take them (entry vertices_file) and set add_vertices=True in the configuration file.
  • If you want to output at a resolution even if it is not written in the table use the option --force_proc to force the processing. The output will be created if the desired resolution is lower or equal the input file resolution.
  • If you want to put the output in separate folder for testing purposes, change the entry add_version_to_outpath in the configuration file to True . You can provide the version name on the command line (option --use_version). By default the current date is used.
  • If you want to test out the chunking and be able to delete the chunked output easily afterwards, specify a separate folder to put the chunked files into by changing the entry chunk_into.
  • The time ranges of the chunked output is set by the entries AGG_DAY, AGG_MON and AGG_SEM for daily, monthly and seasonal resolution, respectively. You can change these values, but note the maximum time ranges allowed by CORDEX.
  • NetCDF compression can be switched on or off in the entry nc_compress.
  • If your wind speed variables are already derotated use the command line option --no_derotate to skip the derotation
  • By default the input path DirIn is extended by the chosen GCM and experiment. If you do not want this to happen. Change the entry extend_DirIn to False.

Quality Assessment

We cannot guarantee that the data processed with this tool perfectly meet the CORDEX requirements after processing. Please use the Quality Assessment tool of the DKRZ to check your data. You can find the latest version of it here: If any errors occur that might have to do with the CMOR tool, don't hesitate to contact us.


We are happy for everybody who wants to participate in the development of the CMOR tool. Look at the open issues to see what there is to do or create an issue yourself if you found one.


Currently the tool is administrated by Silje Sørland (ETH Zürich). You can contact her at: [email protected]

Involved people

In the development of this tool a number of people from different institutions were involved:

  • Matthias Göbel (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich, Switzerland)
  • Hans Ramthun (German Climate Computing Center(DKRZ), Hamburg, Germany)
  • Hans-Jürgen Panitz (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),Karlsruhe, Germany)
  • Klaus Keuler (Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU), Cottbus, Germany)
  • Christian Steger (Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), Offenbach, Germany)

Hans-Jürgen Panitz, Klaus Keuler and Christian Steger initiated the development of the tool and decided on its general structure. They also created the table for the Python script for the CCLM model. Hans Ramthun developed most of the Python code and Klaus Keuler wrote the script Matthias Göbel combined the different scripts to this complete tool, fixed numerous bugs in the Python code, increased the user-friendliness and flexibility of it and wrote the first version of this documentation. Silje Sørland, Daniel Lüthi (both ETH Zürich) and Hans-Jürgen Panitz helped him with that.

Thanks to all these people for your work!


Climate model output rewriting of COSMO-CLM climate model data for CORDEX







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