February 28, 2020
Bike Share Project
-----This is what you will see as output, with varying results based on inputs---
This is an application to show descriptive statistics on various areas of a bike share company.
You will be able to choose from the companies geographical locations, which months you'd like to choose as well as days you'd like to focus on.
Your output will look like this:
Hello! Let's explore some US bikeshare data! Please select a city: Chicago, New York City, or Washington: chicago Please enter a valid month (January - June) or use 'all' to choose all months: all Please enter a valid day or use 'all' to choose all days in the week: all
Calculating The Most Frequent Times of Travel...
The most common month is 6 The most common day of the week is Tuesday The most common hour is 17
Calculating The Most Popular Stations and Trip...
The most common starting station is: Streeter Dr & Grand Ave The most common ending station is: Streeter Dr & Grand Ave The most used starting and ending stations are: ('Lake Shore Dr & Monroe St', 'Streeter Dr & Grand Ave')
Calculating Trip Duration...
Total Travel Time: 280871787 Average Travel Time: 936.23929
Calculating User Stats...
Number of User Types: Subscriber 238889 Customer 61110 Dependent 1 Name: User Type, dtype: int64 Number of Gender Types: Male 181190 Female 57758 Name: Gender, dtype: int64 Oldest birth year: 1899.0 Most recent birth year: 2016.0 Most common birth year: 1989.0
Would you like to see a specific trip's raw data? Please answer 'yes' or 'no'. yes (0, Unnamed: 0 1423854 Start Time 2017-06-23 15:09:32 End Time 2017-06-23 15:14:53 Trip Duration 321 Start Station Wood St & Hubbard St End Station Damen Ave & Chicago Ave User Type Subscriber Gender Male Birth Year 1992 month 6 day_of_week Friday hour 15 Name: 0, dtype: object) Would you like to see a specific trip's raw data? Please answer 'yes' or 'no'. no
Would you like to restart? Enter yes or no.
chicago.csv new_york_city.csv washington.csv