One-off script to update the MODS of 97 org-items in BDR.
$ cd /to/stuff/
$ source ./
$ (venv) cd ./bdr_update_97_org_items/
$ (venv) python3 ./ --pid_filepath "/path/to/pids.txt"
<mods:recordInfoNote type="HallHoagOrgLevelRecord">Organization Record</mods:recordInfoNote>
From query:*&rows=100&fl=pid&sort=pid%20asc
: Looks for records that are members of the Hall-Hoag collection (bdr:wum3gm43). -
AND -mods_record_info_note_hallhoagorglevelrecord_ssim:"Organization Record"
: Exclude records wheremods_record_info_note_hallhoagorglevelrecord_ssim
has the value"Organization Record"
-- because we're looking for the org-items missing this value. -
AND -rel_is_part_of_ssim:*
: Excludes records that have a value in therel_is_part_of_ssim field
, because those would not be org-items.
Then, with that query, which returns json, I can produce pids.txt
, using jq, like this:
(The query below is all on one line; noting this in case it wraps.)
curl '*&rows=100&fl=pid&sort=pid%20asc' | jq -r '[].pid' > ./pids.txt