Download the Zip Extract the Zip Drop the folder contents of Valheim-modded-server into the base directory of your Valheim install Do not drop the Valheim-modded-server folder itself
It is recommended you make a copy/backup of your character and worlds also clone your client to a folder like Valheim - BTYR modded or something that you can remember.
This is not compatible with the vanilla experience, and you will need to clone your vanilla client and drop all the files.
They need to go in the C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Valheim - Moded client\
Where C is your install drive and assuming you are using steam folder and not a steam library else, it would be \Valheim - Moded client\
Default Key for each mod
aedenthorn.ClockMod ShowClockKey = home
com.github.johndowson.PreciseRotation RotationModifier = LeftAlt
randyknapp.mods.equipmentandquickslots Quick slot hotkey 1 = z Quick slot hotkey 2 = v Quick slot hotkey 3 = b