This is a demonstration of how to retrieve data from Brightspace via the Data Hub APIs.
This example retrieves data for the Enrollments and Withdrawals data set. The Brightspace API reference will document the Data Export route you can use to discover the set of supported data sets. Additionally, we have published an article on the Brightspace Developer Community blog to provide a more in-depth walkthrough about this new feature.
Note: this client assumes a valid OAuth 2.0 refresh token has already been obtained, and does not initiate the OAuth 2.0 authorization flow. An article on the Brightspace Developer Community blog is available to provide steps on how to obtain a refresh token.
This project uses Maven. To build it, run mvn package
in the parent directory.
This application requires the following system properties to be set:
- The URL to your Brightspace instance
- e.g.
- The OAuth 2.0 client ID (available from the Brightspace OAuth 2.0 registration page)
- The OAuth 2.0 client secret (available from the Brightspace OAuth 2.0 registration page)
- The file used to store a valid OAuth 2.0 refresh token
- When running this for the first time, a valid refresh token needs to already exist in this file
- Ensure the user running the process has read and write access to this file
- The folder to save the data set into
- Ensure the user running the process has write access to this folder
java -DhostUrl= -DclientId=theClientId -DclientSecret=theClientSecret -DoutputFolder=/output -DrefreshTokenFile=refreshToken.txt -jar data-hub-client-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar