Implementation of a data collection and aggregation infrastructure that supports individual data obfuscation.
This repository is currently being maintained primarily for archival purposes. The client interface as it appeared during its deployment in 2016 can be viewed online (it is not tied to a backend server and, thus, is non-functioning). For the latest version of the web-based MPC framework derived from the one in this repository, please visit
It is expected that this application will operate on an Amazon Web Services EC2 instance running Amazon Linux under a security group that permits connections on port 80. The environment in which it runs is set up as follows.
- First, install Node.js, MongoDB, and necessary modules:
yum -y update
yum -y install nodejs npm --enablerepo=epel
echo "[MongoDB]
name=MongoDB Repository
enabled=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb.repo
yum install -y gcc-c++ mongodb-org-server mongodb-org-shell mongodb-org-tools
- Navigate to the "server/" directory and install the NPM dependencies:
npm install
- Now install the global dependency
npm install -g forever
- Next, set up the database file and start the MongoDB server:
mkdir -p /data/db
- Finally, retrieve the application files and in the directory "server/" run:
forever -o log.txt -e error.txt start index.js
Only the following original modules have been written for this application. All other modules are off-the-shelf libraries.
- client/script/ssCreate.js
- client/index.html
- client/success.html
- server/index.js
- server/template.js
- trusted/script/generateMasks.js
- trusted/script/generateSession.js
- trusted/script/ssCreate.js
- trusted/index.html
- trusted/session_data.html
- trusted/keys.txt
- unmask/index.html
- unmask/script/unmask.js
- shared/aggregate.js
The following are third party dependencies included in the source tree (but not automatically installed in the environment).
- trusted/script/filesaver.js
- shared/handsontable
- trusted/script/jszip
- shared/jquery-1.11.2.js
- shared/jsencrypt.js
- shared/md5.js
- unmask/script/ladda.min.js
- unmask/script/spin.min.js
- shared/underscore.js
- client/script/waitingDialog.js