Provide a Rock, Paper, Scissors game for the Makers Academy Marketing Array ( MAMA ) so they can play on the web with the following features:
the marketeer has to enter their name before the game the marketeer will be presented the choices (rock, paper and scissors) the marketeer can choose one option the game will choose a random option a winner will be declared As always you can use google your notes and everything else. This is a challenge for you and you only!
Rōnin BANZAI!!!!
Change the game so that two marketeers can play against each other ( yes there are two of them ).
- Rock beats Scissors
- Scissors beats Paper
- Paper beats Rock
Deployed on Heroku
Week 3 challenge at Makers Academy
- Ruby
- Sinatra
- Bundle
- Capybara
- Cucumber
- GitHub
- Rackup
- Rspec
- Shotgun
- Before downloading:
- Install Ruby
- Download the code:
$ git clone
- Install the gems:
$ bundle install
- Start the server
$ rackup
- Open your browser
- Bibiana Cristòfol