We are not the creators of the original devins-badges repository - this is a fork! The owner of devins-badges will not add any more badge types to the original repository, but if you want to add new types to this repository, feel free to do so! Just don't annoy the original creator, okay?
This is Bastion's modifcation of Devin's Badges! Devin's Badges is a project for adding neat, consistent badges to your repository, website, and many others! A modification of the official website will come soon, you'll have to be a bit pacient...
Want to add these badges to your page? Head over to the badge reference to find the badges most fitting for your use, and how to use them. You can then copy the HTML code, which I recommend for best customizability, or the Markdown code for your chosen badge, and paste that into your file.
If you want a new badge type to this project, you'll have to download Figma. But don't worry, all the necessary features to add a new badge are free! It takes just a few seconds to learn, so why not head over to the Figma website? The badge template can be found here.
For the original credits and other things along those lines, head over to the integrav/devins-badges credits page.