- Ruby 2.7.0 (If you have trouble switching ruby versions with Bundler, the application runs fine with Ruby 2.5.5 - just update the version locally in your Gemfile)
- yarn (https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install)
- bundle (gem install bundler)
1.) Clone the repository from https://github.com/coronavirusapi/coronavirusapi
2.) Create a MySQL user for the application to use.
2b.) If you want an application specific user (recommended), create databases coronavirusapi_development, coronavirusapi_production, and coronavirusapi_test and grant the MySQL user permissions on those tables.
3.) Copy db/database.yml.example to db/database.yml and update the file with your database credentials
4.) Import the database dump from db/dump.sql using the command:
mysql -u <mysql-username> -p coronavirusapi_development < ~/projects/cvirusapi/coronavirusapi/db/dump.sql
5.) Run bundle exec rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
6.) Run bundle exec rails s
to start the development server
7.) Access the application at localhost:3000