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A FuelPHP package to easily create RSS and Atom feeds.


  1. Go to fuel/packages/
  2. Clone (git clone git:// / download
  3. Optionally create a fuel/app/config/feeds.php fiel (to set some default values)
  4. Optionally add 'fuelphp-feeds' to the 'always_load/packages' array in app/config/config.php (or call Package::load('fuelphp-feeds') whenever you want to use it).
  5. Enjoy :)


The package has one class called Feeds_Builder.

The class helps you to easily generate valid XML strings according to RSS and Atom specs.

You just have to pass array containing required fields.

Basic Usage

First you have to create a Feeds_Builder instance with some fields.

	$config = array(
		'title' 		=> 'Your blog', // required
		'site_url' 		=> 'blog',		// required
		'author_name' 	=> 'John Doe' 	// recommended for Atom

	$builder = Feeds_Builder::forge($config);

Direct assignment is also available

	$builder->title 	= 'Your blog';
	$builder->site_url 	= 'blog';

Then you will add items you want to be available in feeds.

	// these 3 fields a required
		'title' 		=> 'A post',
		'url' 			=> 'blog/permalink_to_your_post',
		'updated_at' 	=> array('21/03/1987', '%d/%m/%Y')

	// or direct push on the items array
	$builder->items[] = array(/* ... */); 

So data are ok, you can build the xml now!

	$rss_xml = $builder->get_rss();
	$atom_xml = $builder->get_atom();

All available fields for feeds

	$config	= array(
		/* Required */
		'title' 		=> 'the title of this feeds',		
		'site_url' 		=> 'your/url/',

		/* Optional */		
		'updated_at' 	=> 'now',	// A valid date (see below) or 'now'. Default = 'now'

		'author_name' 	=> 'the author', 	// recommended for Atom
		'author_email' 	=> '[email protected]',
		'author_url' 	=> 'your_url',	

		'self_atom'		=> 'url/to/atom',	// recommended for Atom
		'self_rss'		=> 'url/to/rss', 	

		'description'	=> 'a description',	// Required in RSS (if null, the title will be used)
		'copyright'		=> '© 2013',
		'categories'	=> array('Developpement', 'Fuel-PHP'),

		'items' => array(),

		'use_CDATA' => false, // if true items content will be in CDATA element. Default: false

There are different ways to set these properties:

  • Pass it as array to the constructor or via the static method Feeds_Builder::forge()
  • Direct assignment on a Feeds_Builder instance via properties
  • Have a config file named feeds.php (or a 'feeds' key in fuel/app/config/config.php)

All available fields on items

	$item = array(
		// Required
		'url' 			=> 'the_item_permalink_on_the_site',
		'title' 		=> 'the_item_title',
		'updated_at' 	=> '', // A valid date, see below

		// optional
		'author_name' 	=> 'author',
		'author_email'	=> 'email',
		'author_url'	=> 'email',
		'content' 		=> 'the_item_content',	// could be html !
		'link_alt' 		=> 'alternate_permalink_to_item',
		'categories' 	=> array('foo', 'bar'),
		'summary'		=> 'the_item_summary'

About date

All 'updated_at' fields accepts 3 form of date:

  • A timestamp
  • A Fuel\Core\Date instance - see documentation
  • An array : array('date_as_string', 'date_format') The builder will use Date::create_from_string() method so you could refer to the Fuel documentation.

An item MUST have a date.

You can omit updated_at on the root config, the current date will be used.

About Url

All url could be relative or absolute.


The field content of an item could contain HTML. By default HTML code is encoded. Then feeds reader will decode it to present the item to the user.

There is no influence on using CDATA or not for the feeds reader. The html will still be interpreted.

Use CDATA could just make the XML file more human readable.


When you try to retrieve the xml string, the builder verify the presence of required fields.

If a required field is missing or a date is not valid the builder will throw a InvalidDataException and will tell you which field are wrong.

If you want to be sure all data are valid you can call is_valid().

	$builder = Feeds_Builder::forge();

		$xml = $builder->get_atom();

Caching into files

Usually feeds are builded with data stored in database.

If you setup a controller that retrieves last posts in database, then serve the XML string, you will have performance issue.

Feeds reader will call this controller very frequently.

I recommend to store the XML in a file, and rebuild it only when a post are saved, modified or deleted.

Have a look to the example folder.

See also


A FuelPHP package to easily create RSS and Atom feeds.







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