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Generate changelog

Andrés Torres edited this page Jan 18, 2021 · 1 revision


Generate a ChangeLog From an Existing Database

In this example we will generate liquibase changelog from existing database.


  1. Start docker-compose with spring.liquibase.enabled=false and spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create.
  2. Create and add liquibase-maven-plugin.
  3. Generate liquibase changelog.
  4. Remove docker volume and enable liquibase.



Plugin Configuration


Execute the maven profile

mvn clean install -Pliquibase

Update db.changelog-master.yaml

  - include:
      file: "changelog/000-create.yaml"
      relativeToChangelogFile: true

Remove Docker MySQL volume

docker volume rm golden-sample-services_demo_mysql_data

Update docker-compose

x-database-variables: &database-variables
  spring.liquibase.enabled: 'true'
  spring.liquibase.change-log: "classpath:/db/db.changelog-master.yaml"

Verify Changelog

jamesv@bb-system-1085 golden-sample-services % docker exec -it demo_mysql bash
root@fafac5bb823d:/# mysql -u root -p
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mysql> use product
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> select * from DATABASECHANGELOG;
| ID              | AUTHOR               | FILENAME                                | DATEEXECUTED        | ORDEREXECUTED | EXECTYPE | MD5SUM                             | DESCRIPTION                              | COMMENTS | TAG  | LIQUIBASE | CONTEXTS | LABELS | DEPLOYMENT_ID |
| 1598858603756-1 | backbase (generated) | classpath:/db/changelog/000-create.yaml | 2020-08-31 07:47:49 |             1 | EXECUTED | 8:ada307e15ac7a48de0a2bfc635955a12 | createTable tableName=hibernate_sequence |          | NULL | 3.8.9     | NULL     | NULL   | 8860068941    |
| 1598858603756-2 | backbase (generated) | classpath:/db/changelog/000-create.yaml | 2020-08-31 07:47:49 |             2 | EXECUTED | 8:86b1e98ab69b2b684dc445b82edb06e2 | createTable tableName=product            |          | NULL | 3.8.9     | NULL     | NULL   | 8860068941    |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)