by Nabendu Biswas (Author)
Intended be used for reference and boilerplate for future projects (as I opt for TypeScript in everything where I have a choice in the matter), but diligence was maintained for purposes of the result to be usable in a future version of the publication. I welcome input on possible improvements with this in mind.
Even if TypeScript never becomes part of the scope of the publication, the codebase still benefits from being developed in it.
In my strong opinion, anything that can serve as boilerplate deserves to be treated as such. Therefore, features like SASS should be incorporated by default, since every developer should be using SASS.
This is still in progress, but nearly to substanial completion.
Create React App > Vite 5.4.9 + SWC [Because Create React App is deprecated]
ES6/Babel > TypeScript 4.9.5 (Frontend) 5.6.3 (Backend)
Root-relative imports (to
directory) viabaseUrl
to help simplify [I wish this was out of the box] -
React 18.2.0 > 18.3.1
React Router 6.14.1 > 6.27.0
React-Redux 8.1.0 > 9.1.2
Express 4.18.2 > 4.21.1
CSS > SASS 1.80.4 [SASS should be default for every project, IMO]
Included SuperTest 7.0.0 for mocks typings [Necessitated by TypeScript]
Extensive code comments [Should be stripped out for screenshots, but retained in the official repo]
Formatting with Prettier [An experienced developer sees formatting with version control helps in problem-solving]
Realigned some stucture for adherance to TypeScript project conventions
- > user.firstName and user.lastName (since 99.99% of real-world projects require that)
- Considering: Add proxy middleware to use .env variable in favor of the package.json proxy field.