The user needs to create a Python file describing the underlying system and providing a simulator. Examples can be found in the systems
directory. Specifically, the user must define the following functions.
def sample_X0(): # Produces a random initial set X0 from a distribution P1. The parameterized representation of X0 should be returned.
def sample_t(): # Produces a random sample of t from a distribution P2.
def sample_x0(X0): # Takes an initial set X0, and produces a random sample of x0 in X0 according to a distribution D(X0).
def simulate(x0): # Takes an initial state x0 and generates a finite trajectory which is a sequence of states at some time instants. The user should make sure that for every time instant returned by sample_t(), a state corresponding to it can be found in the simulated trajectory.
def get_init_center(X0): # Takes an initial set X0 and returns the mean value of the distribution D(X0).
def get_X0_normalization_factor(): # This function is optional. It returns the mean and std of the distribution for X0, which are then used to normalize the training data set and could make the training easier. You can simply return 0 for mean and 1 for std to avoid such a normalization.
You can include any ohter helper functions and constants in this file if needed. After finishing this file, name it as
and put it into the systems
NeuReach provides the following command line user interface.
usage: [-h] [--system SYSTEM] [--lambda _LAMBDA] [--alpha ALPHA]
[--N_X0 N_X0] [--N_x0 N_X0] [--N_t N_T] [--layer1 LAYER1]
[--layer2 LAYER2] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--lr LEARNING_RATE]
[--data_file_train DATA_FILE_TRAIN]
[--data_file_eval DATA_FILE_EVAL] [--log LOG] [--no_cuda]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--system SYSTEM Name of the dynamical system.
--lambda _LAMBDA lambda for balancing the two loss terms.
--alpha ALPHA Hyper-parameter in the hinge loss.
--N_X0 N_X0 Number of samples for the initial set X0.
--N_x0 N_X0 Number of samples for the initial state x0.
--N_t N_T Number of samples for the time instant t.
--layer1 LAYER1 Number of neurons in the first layer of the NN.
--layer2 LAYER2 Number of neurons in the second layer of the NN.
--epochs EPOCHS Number of epochs for training.
--lr LEARNING_RATE Learning rate.
--data_file_train DATA_FILE_TRAIN
Path to the file for storing the generated training
data set.
--data_file_eval DATA_FILE_EVAL
Path to the file for storing the generated evaluation
data set.
--log LOG Path to the directory for storing the logging files.
--no_cuda Use this option to disable cuda, if you want to train
the NN on CPU.
For example, if you have put
into the systems
directory, you can simply run the following command to train the NN.
python3 --no_cuda --system mysystem --log log_mysystem --data_file_train mysystem_train.pklz --data_file_eval mysystem_eval.pklz
After it finishes, the trained NN will be stored in log_mysystem/checkpoint.pth.tar
. To evaluate the trained model, you can run the following to print the volume and error.
python3 scripts/ --no_cuda --pretrained log_mysystem/checkpoint.pth.tar --system mysystem
If you want to integrate the trained model in your own code, please see scripts/
for how to load the trained model and get an estimate of the reachable set.
To reproduce the results in the paper, please refer to these instructions.