The version of our proof-of-concept solution to be deployed on the sepolia testnet.
You will need the following tools:
- [Node (v18 LTS)]
- Yarn ([v1]
npm install --global yarn
- Install dependencies
yarn install
Calculate your SystemManager address Run the script and input your address and nonce
Place the address of your SystemManager in DigitalCopy contract
Create .env file Create an .env file and input these variables with your own addresses:
PRIVATE_KEY1='*YOUR_FIRST_PRIVATE_KEY (Make sure it starts with 0x)*'
PRIVATE_KEY2='*YOUR_SECOND_PRIVATE_KEY (Make sure it starts with 0x)*'
- Deploy the contracts in a terminal with the following command:
yarn deploy
- Run the scenarios:
yarn scenario1-4 (E.g. scenario1)