Old python scripts I found in my archive -- based on packet manipulation library SCAPPY
Dhakkan-DNS (start-server.py, dhakkan_dns.py & spoof.txt) A Smart DNS Forwarder script based on scapy packet manipulation library. This acts as a dns server and responds to client requests by getting a response from a forwarder except for those mentioned in spoof.txt file. It returns the corresponding IP for domain mentioned in the file. to start server specify the following parameters with start-server.py
- Hostname or IP address
- UDP Port to listen to
- DNS server IP which will be queried to provide response to clients.
USAGE: # python start-server.py
ICMP Redirect (icmp-redirect.py)
PROXY ARP (arp-proxy.py) Once run, behaves like a proxy for all ARP requests and accordingly responds with machines IP. To simulate, Ping any IP within the subnet and it would respond with a response.