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02. How to reproject with QGIS

Antonello Di Nunzio edited this page May 4, 2020 · 4 revisions

ShrimpGIS is able to translate Lat Lon into UTM and vice-versa because of utm library embedded. If your shapefile is based on reference system different from WGS84 you have to reproject your shapefile.
It is extremely easy with QGIS. It require less than one minute.

Reproject Shapefile with QGIS

  1. Run QGIS. If you do not have it, you can download it here: QGIS It is for free!
  2. Create a new empty project Ctrl + N
  3. Drang and drop *.shp file into QGIS white canvas
  4. Highlight imported layer and search this fucntion Vector\Reproject vector
  5. Select EPSG:4326 - WGS84 as target reference system
  6. Click on Run. A new temporary layer will appear. It is the reprojected file we need for Grasshopper.
  7. Right click on reprojected layer and click on Export\Save element as
  8. Select a path on your machine and save it.
  9. Click on Ok. Done! Alt Text
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