This GitHub repository contains a Java program for a Library Management System. The program simulates a library environment with functionalities for librarians and users. The system allows librarians to add, delete, and update book information, view book details, print books in order, and display the binary search tree of books. Users can issue and return books, and the system provides due date notifications for overdue books, along with applicable charges.
Key Features:
Library Class: Contains methods for inserting, updating, and deleting books using a binary search tree. It also has functions to print book details and the binary search tree structure.
Student Class: Represents student information with attributes like name, ID, stream, and number of issued books.
Data Structures: The program employs data structures such as arrays and hash maps to store and manage book and student information efficiently.
User Authentication: The system has basic user authentication with predefined librarian credentials to access librarian-specific functionalities.
Date and Time Handling: The program utilizes the
classes to handle date and time information for book issuing and returning.
This library management system provides a user-friendly command-line interface for easy interaction. It offers robust book management functionalities for librarians and streamlined book issuing/returning processes for users.
&Librarian Login& 1.Login Failure:
2.Login and Adding a Book:
3.Book Details
4.Deleting Book and Book details after delete operation:
5.Update Books:
6.Books List in inorder && BST Of Book From Right to Left
&User/Student Login&
7.Issue Book
&Case 1: Invalid ID&
&Case 1: Issued book successfully&
&Case 1: Issue Limited Books&
8.Returnig Book
9.Book Details After Issue and Return Operation