LinuxDelhi planet is an rss feed aggregator which collects blog posts from people who are volunteers at ILUGD. Blogs should be generally tech themed. If you aren't sure or you have a general blog then maybe consider setting up a tag and subscribing that feed here.
Steps to join the planet
- Fork this repo
- Add your feed to `src/feeds/<your_name>.njk. The file needs be in the following format
title: <Your Blog Title>
link: "<link to your blog>"
feed: "<rss/atom/json feed url>"
- Create a pull request
Note that certain static site generators like hugo may generate feeds with relative URLs. This does not conform to the standard and your listings will be erroneous. Read this answer for a possible solution.
This Planet is kind of an impression of the ILUGD volunteers hence you are required to follow some basic guidelines and the COC.
Profanities , Prejudice and offensive political comments are not welcome . Do not make personal attacks on other people or projects in your posts.
Blog feeds should not contain useless, destructive and negative material. Constructive criticism is welcome and the occasional rant is understandable , but a feed where every post is critical and negative is unsuitable. This helps keep the overall vibe of the planet positive.
Please reach out to us on our chat channels such as on telegram or matrix in case you are confused or doubtful about anything.