This work is dedicated to solve QSPR task for Band Gap (BG) of hybrid antimony(III) and bismuth(III) halides with
At the moment, only a part of the hybrid metal(III) halides dataset is presented, it will be fully available after the article is rejected.
The design of new functional materials is based on the search for compounds whose physicochemical properties should provide a significant improvement in the efficiency and economy of existing devices. Experimental approaches, including those based on the trial and error method, do not provide high performance when considering a huge number of potential candidates and selecting the most suitable ones, the study of which requires a large amount of resources. One of the most rational and currently feasible strategies is the "inverse design of materials" - establishing correlations between various characteristics of compounds and their structure (Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship, QSPR task) based on the accumulated data and further reasonable choice of the direction in which to focus efforts. Developing this approach for potential materials with a wide range of attractive optoelectronic properties, in this work we applied machine learning methods to establish quantitative-structure-property-relationships between the main characteristic of semiconductor materials - the band gap and the structural parameters of non-toxic low-dimensional organic inorganic halobismuthates(III) and haloantimonates(III) with an anionic substructure of the
Dataset (notebook "Data analysis" contains a detailed description, initial data analysis and preparation for training).
Model training code (notebook "BG prediction").
Trained models (in pickle-format, you can use notebook "Models to use" to load models).
Additional data (geometric calculations in dia folder).
Andrey Bykov, Ph.D. student, Chemistry Department Moscow State University ([email protected]).
This research was funded by "Non-commercial Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Education INTELLECT".