This site contains the model implementation of the Open Access paper: "Thermodynamically Consistent Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Modelling with Artificial Neural Networks"
This work used the Neural Network Programming hybrid modelling to transcript the Wilson and NRTL model to a Neural Network (see the publication Carranza-Abaid and Jakobsen, Comput. Chem. Eng, 2022).
- The files named as "Structure_VLE_XXXXX" contain the VLE implementation for every model discussed in the paper
- The file named as "Structure_NRTL_VLEHEX" contain the VLE+HE implementation of the Dichloromethane (1) - Acetone (2) system using the NRTL model with polynomial parametrization
- The file named as "Structure_NRTL_VLEHEX_ANN" contain the VLE+HE implementation of the Ethanol (1) - Water (2) system using the NRTL model with a neural network parametrization
- Gen_Data generates the Data.mat file (Open Data.xlsx to see an example on how to arrange the data).
- Gen_VLEHEX_Poly generates ASNNs with polynomial parametrization for the Wilson, Wilson (H), Wilson (S), Wilson (S) (H), NRTL, NRTL (H) using the data from the Data.mat file
- Gen_VLEHEX_ANN generates ASNNs with a neural network parametrization for the NRTL model using the data from the Data.mat file
If the user wants to utilize the optimization framework for making their own ASNN:
- Open Data.xlsx and fill the experimental data in the Table. Note 1: If there is no data available (e.g., there is data for total pressure at given x,T but not for HEX, then use NaN instead of a numeric value. Note 2: Check the units of the table.
- Once all the cells are filled with either a numeric value or a NaN, then the table is pasted in the Gen_Data.m file.
- Run Gen_Data.m
- Open "Gen_VLE_Poly", "Gen_VLEHEX_Poly", "Gen_VLEHEX_NN"
- Set-up a "Model", the number of epochs, the input vector function and the derivative of the input vector (if necessary)
- Run any of "Gen_VLE_Poly", "Gen_VLEHEX_Poly", "Gen_VLEHEX_NN"
Enjoy :)