A simple implementation of the screenplay pattern for Cypress. Pairs perfectly with cypress-cucumber-preprocessor.
Improve maintainability and re-usability of your Cypress test code. The screenplay patterns puts focus on actors and generic interactions instead of page structure details, which makes it the natural companion of a behaviour driven workflow.
yarn add -D cypress-screenplay
Every test case is a series of user interactions with the test case. There are two fundamental types of interactions: Task and Questions. When executing a Task, the user changes the systems internal state. A Question on the other hand investigates the current state and asserts its correctness. This means every test first has to define the required tasks and questions and then execute them. The following example is implemented in Typescript, but the library is usable in plain javascript as well.
import {Actor, Task, Question, createTask, createQuestion} from 'cypress-screenplay';
const visitTestPage = createTask<string>((cy, page) => {
const readListItems = createQuestion<undefined, string[]>((cy, param, assert) => {
.should(items =>
.map((item) => item.textContent)
.filter((item) => item !== null)
describe('Screenplay', () => {
const actor = new Actor();
it('executes tasks and questions', () => {
.perform(visitTestPage, 'test.html');
.ask(readListItems, undefined, (items) => {