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Package Management
Instructions for how to build, package and release a new version of BMTK package for Github, PyPI, Anaconda, etc.
Before making a new version make sure all required changes are in the develop
branch, and it is passing tests and running the examples.
Replace {VER} with the appropiate version number, eg (1.0.7)
Update the major, minor, and/or patch number, located in the __version__
string in bmtk.__init__.py
. This can be done as a PR or through the Github interface. Make sure your local repo is up-to-date with the develop
Create a release branch; in the main github page select the "branch" drop down > Select "Find or create a branch..." > create a new branch called release/v{VERSION}.
In the Releases page select "Draft a new release"
- Under "Choose a tag" enter new tag v{VER} and select "+Create a new tag"
- For the "Target" choose the release branch created above.
- For a title use v{VER}
- Add description and change-log to descrption.
- Click "Publish Release"
- Pull the latest version of bmtk develop/release branch to your local machine.
- [optional] Remove bmtk bmtk.egg-info/ and build/ directory if they exists (otherwise code may be static)
- Create source-distribution (*.tar.gz) and wheels-distribution (*.whl) packages in the dist/ directory
$ python setup.py bdist_wheel sdist
[optional] test by installing package locally on a separate environments:
$ conda activate test-env $ pip install dist/bmtk-{VER}-*[whl|tar.gz] $ pytest ...
[optional] Check the wheel package
$ check-wheel-contents dist/bmtk-*.whl
- You will need to set-up a
file in order to upload to pypi with a token (or password if available)
index-server =
repository = https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/
username = __token__
password = <TOKEN>
repository = https://test.pypi.org/legacy/
username = __token__
password = <TOKEN>
repository = https://upload.pypi.org/legacy
username = __token__
password = <TOKEN>
The <TOKEN> values are generated online: https://pypi.org/manage/account/, or get from project manager
- Upload to PyPI using twine:
$ python -m twine upload dist/bmtk-{VER}-*
- If you haven't already, install conda-build and anaconda-client onto a new or existing conda environment:
$ conda create --name <bmtk-build-env> conda-build anaconda-client $ conda activate <bmtk-build-env>
- Pull the latest version of bmtk develop/release branch to your local machine.
- Go to .conda/ directory
- Build the packages (*.tar.bz2 files) for your local machine architecture (usually osx-64 or linux-64) using the conda-build recipes (in the recipes/ directory) into the conda-bld folder
$ conda build --output-folder conda-bld recipes/
- Create packages for other architectures
$ conda convert --platform all conda-bld/linux-64/bmtk-{VER}-py3*.tar.bz2 -o conda-bld/
- Use anaconda to upload package to anaconda cloud:
$ anaconda login $ anaconda upload conda-bld/**/bmtk-{VER}*.bz2
TODO: Get CD working with Github actions
Wheels package
At the moment wheels should be packaging the universal package (eg bmtk-{VER}-.py2.py3-none-any.whl
file) rather than any python/architecture specific package. This will mean the same package is used for all pip install bmtk
instructions. This is specified in the ```setup.cfg`` file
Or can be manually done when running the bdist_wheel command:
$ python setup.py bdist_wheel --universal
Reuploading to PyPI
⚠️ Once a package has been uploaded to PyPI there is no way of undoing it
As of October 2022, PyPI does not allow you to re-upload a the same version of a package multiple times. Even if you delete it from PyPI you won't be able to reupload a new copy. Thus if there is a problem with the PyPI build, you will need to bump the patch number (eg 1.0.12 --> 1.0.13) and reupload.
If you are unsure if a package will work, PyPI has a testing repository called test.pypi:
$ python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
$ pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ bmtk