This repository contains the files and data used to prepare the manuscript entitled "Improving intercropping strategies for sustainable pest control in agriculture", by Alfonso Allen-Perkins and Ernesto Estrada (2018)
The codes are released under an opensource license: GNU General Public License v3.0 (see: To run the codes, Python and Jupyter Notebook are needed. It is possible to install Python and Jupyter Notebook, using the Anaconda Distribution (see:
The code perform the SIR (markovian) calculations using NetworkX 1.9 (see:
"Data_Generation_for_(Suppl_)FigX.ipynb" files produce "(Suppl_)FigX.xlsx" files that contain the data (100 random realizations) for preparing the rainplots in (Supplementary) figure "X" (see main text and Supplementary Information of our manuscript).
On the other hand, "Panels_for_(Suppl_)FigX.ipynb" files generate the figures for each arrangement in (Supplementary) figure "X" (see main text and Supplementary Information). To prepare the random intercrop panels, the "predefined_random_arrangement.txt" file is needed.
"Calculations_for_SIR_thresholds_X.ipynb" files generate the data in "SIR_thresholds_Y.txt": the average stationary fraction of dead susceptible plants,