How to install:
- Fork this repo and/or clone it (username=swertz or AlexandreMertens):
$ git clone
- Setup environment (works on both ingrid-ui1 and lxplus). Starting from a clean environment, do:
$ cd MEMcpp
$ source
- Build TTbar:
$ make ttbar -j8
For now, the master branch allows to compute pp>tt~ weights in the e+/mu- channel, using ISR correction, with binned transfer functions for leptons and jets. Usage:
$ ttbar/ME_ttbar /home/fynu/swertz/tests_MEM/MEMcpp/data/ttbar.root output.root /home/fynu/swertz/tests_MEM/binnedTF/TF_generator/Control_plots_hh_TF.root 0 0
Some comments:
- The ttbar.root file contains Delphes-parsed LHE evens.
- The transfer functions are binned transfer functions in electrons, muons and jets, built on a Delphes HH sample by Miguel.
- The two last arguments of the program call are start and end event numbers (0 0 computes the weight on the first event only)
- Sourcing will link to Sébastien's Delphes install. You can change your environment to link to your own install.
- Delphes is only used in main() to read the input datafile, and nowhere else (TO BE CHANGED => no link with Delphes!).