current version: 1.0
This program tracks the time invested into certain skills. You can specify any skill and enter progress made on a daily basis. There is a simple Level algorithm to determine a level and give some gameification to your progress.
The level algorithm is very simple. To reach a given level you have to complete n hours, where n is the number of the next level squared.
- 1 hour to reach level 1 (1 ** 2 = 1);
- 4 hour to reach level 1 (2 ** 2 = 4);
- 9 hour to reach level 1 (3 ** 2 = 9);
and so on.
After reaching a level the number of hours (called experience, or EX for short) is reset. Meaning the 1 hour for level 1 does not count into the 4 hours of level 2. To reach level 2 you have to complete 4 whole hours more.
In the background there is a sqlite3 database, managed by sqlalchemy, with two tables/models:
- Entry: This model stores all entries. Colums:
- date == a datetime object for the day of entry
- minutes == total minutes invested in a skill in a given day
- skill == Skillname, which also serves as as a foreign key to the Skill table
- Skill: Provides an overview of all skills. Columns:
- name == Name of the skill
- current_level == Integer of the level of the user in the skill
- total_minutes == Accumulated minutes for a given skill
- xp_points == Current xp in the level, allows calculation of xp required to reach the next level
- daily_goal == The number of minutes that you plan to invest in every day
The requirements are stored in requirements.txt and can be easily installed with the following command:
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
pip3 install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
v 1.0
- Cleaned up code with comments
- Added pictures to the
v 0.9.1
- New feature: Delete Skill
- Settings now support to delete a skill. Be careful with this one. There is no return
- New feature: Create backup
- Settings allows to createa backup of your database
- Naming convention: "backup-YYYY-MM-DD.db"
- Stored in the ./db/ folder
v 0.9.0
- New feature: Daily Goal
- go into the settings and set a daily goal for a skill
- see the daily goal line in your graphs
- stats show how many times a week/month you have reached the daily goal
- housekeeping:
- rearranged some code to be even more readable
- new file: for everthing that gets printed to the console
v 0.8.5
- Reworked menu flow
- Program now runs in an infinite loop until it is exited
- Settings and Insights now easily accessible
- WARNING: not all menu options are ready to use yet, but basic functions like entering a new skill, tracking progress and showing graphs ought to work.
v 0.8.4
- Reworking graphs to show multiple skills with one line each
- Slight changes in the backend to make the former possible
v 0.8.3 Reworked backend with the functions split into multiple files
- == the main script for tying everything together
- == houses everything to do with the database
- == menu structure with inquirer
- == graphs with matplotlib
- Also further improved the stats display for all skills and current skill, showing a comparison between the averages of the last week with the last month
v 0.8.2 implemented further stats for skills, such as comparison to last week and last month
v 0.8.1 fixed bug for new skills with 0 days implementation. Implemented combined graphs for all skills. Reworked closing menu.
v 0.8.0 implement SQLAlchemy as a SQL wrapper for the database.
v 0.7.0: changed the whole background architecture from an xlxs sheet to a SQL database. Also, some minor improvments for user experience, such as fitting the outputscreen to the current terminal width.
v 0.6.3: fixed a bug where program would crash if there was an invalid character in the skill name entered updated the 'most recent progress' chart to actually only show the seven latest entries
v 0.6.2: Cleaning up the modules (main, processing, print_output) Let the user specify hours already invested in a certain skill, fill in other fields accordingly
v 0.6.1: fixed some bugs Eliminate the hardcoded filepaths and replace with a config text file Don't write a new daytime object if the entered amount is 0
v 0.6.0: added support for matplotlib and 2 simple graphing functions: Hours invested per day Progress over time
version 0.5: added support for multiple skills to levelup
- Implement further graphs to visualize characteristics
- Let the user specify a time goal for a skill on a weekly basis and graph the expected improvement versus the actual improvement
There are no copyrights for this project. Do with the code whatever you please. The creator believes in self-ownership, just property rights, the resulting freedom of speech and the non-existence of intellectual property. If you like the project and/or have ideas for further features, you can contact me at: [email protected]