Goal of the ModApp project is to find an optimal way of interprocess and interapplication language-agnostic communication and to provide reference implementation.
TODO: detail explanations
- language-agnostic
- transport-agnostic
- encoding-agnostic
- contract-oriented (not required, but very recommended)
- don't force use ModApp on both ends, keep protocol open
HTTP + WebSockets
The project is used in production by author, but it isn't ready for production usage by other developers because of:
- lack of tests
- lack of documentation
Existing solutions where ModApp is used to give a bit of understanding what technology already can:
- Python backend + Electron frontend (commercial)
- Python backend + Qt frontend (commercial)
Currently supported technologies:
Python server:
- Transports: grpc, web_socketify(http+websocket)
- Converters: json, protobuf
- Models: pydantic, dataclass
JavaScript client: http+websocket and json/protobuf
- prefer code generation over magic and runtime overhead (at least in production version)