Job Board - General README
Overview This is a Job Board project consisting of two parts: Backend: Built with Node.js, Express, Sequelize, and MySQL. It provides a RESTful API for managing users, companies, job offers, and applications. Frontend: Built with React.js and Material-UI (MUI). It offers an interface for users to browse job offers, apply for jobs, and manage profiles. This README will guide you through setting up both the backend and frontend, so you can test and run the full application. Prerequisites Ensure you have the following tools installed before starting: Node.js: Download Node.js MySQL: Download MySQL Git: Download Git Getting Started Step 1: Clone the Repositories You need to clone both the frontend and backend repositories.
git clone cd jobboard_backend
git clone cd jobboard_frontend
Step 2: Set Up the Backend Install Dependencies:
cd jobboard_backend npm install
Set Up the Database: Create a MySQL database (refer to the backend README). Update the .env file with your database credentials. Run Migrations:
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
Run Seeders (optional if you have seed files): The user password for the seed
Each user, recruiter, and admin now has a hashed password (mot_de_passe). Used bcrypt to hash passwords: Employees: 'password123' Recruiters: 'recruiterpassword' Admins: 'adminpassword'
npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all
Start the Backend:
npm run dev The backend will be running at http://localhost:5000. Step 3: Set Up the Frontend Install Dependencies:
cd jobboard_frontend npm install
Configure Environment Variables: Create a .env file in the frontend directory with the following content:
REACT_APP_API_URL=http://localhost:5000/api Ensure that the backend is running at http://localhost:5000. Start the Frontend:
npm start The frontend will be available at http://localhost:3000. Step 4: Test the Full Application Now that both the frontend and backend are running, you can test the entire application by visiting http://localhost:3000. Signup/Login: Create a new user or log in with existing credentials. Browse Jobs: Search for job offers using the search bar. Apply for Jobs: View job details and submit applications for job offers. Conclusion You now have a fully functional job board running locally on your machine. You can extend or customize the features, deploy the frontend and backend to production, or integrate additional service