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Parallel particle smoothing

This is the companion code to the paper "De-Sequentialized Monte Carlo: a parallel-in-time particle smoother", by Adrien Corenflos, Nicolas Chopin, and Simo Särkkä. Pre-print is available on ArXiv at The full paper is published at JMLR Please cite this version.

Quick description

This package implements parallel-in-time smoothing methods for state-space methods. By this we mean that the runtime of the algorithm on parallel hardware (such as GPU) will be proportional to $log(T)$ where $T$ is the number of required time steps.

The way we achieve this is by re-phrasing the smoothing problem as a divide-and-conquer operation over partial smoothing. In order to do inference in this now nested structure, we require that one is able to sample from proposals independent marginals q_t at each time t. This can be done for example by computing a parallel-in-time approximate LGSSM smoother.

We moreover implement a parallel-in-time particle Gibbs sampler. Because our sampled smoothing trajectories suffer degeneracy uniformly across time, we do not need a backward sampling pass to prevent degeneracy in time for efficient rejuvenation.

Finally, we implement a lazy resampling scheme to improve the sampling capabilities of our algorithm.

All the examples are located in the examples folder.

For more details, we refer to our article.


This package has different requirements depending on your intended use for it.

Minimal installation

If you simply want to use it as part of your own code, then we recommend the following steps

  1. Create and activate a virtual environment using your favourite method (conda create ... or python -m venv path for example).
  2. Install your required version of JAX:
    • GPU (preferred): at the time of writing JAX only supports the GPU backend for linux distributions. You will need to make sure you have the proper CUDA (at the time of writing 11.5) version installed and then run (at the time of writing)
      pip install --upgrade pip
      pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda]" -f --ignore-installed # Note: wheels only available on linux.
    • CPU (no support for parallelisation): at the time of writing this is supported for linux and MacOS users only. This should already be taken care of by the chex package requirement, but, if not, run (at the time of writing)
     pip install --upgrade pip
     pip install --upgrade "jax[cpu]"
  3. Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run python [develop|install] depending on if you plan to work on the source code or not.

Additional test requirements

If you plan on running the tests, please run pip install -r requirements-tests.txt

Additional examples requirements

If you plan on running the examples located in the examples folder, please run pip install -r requirements-examples.txt

Contact information

This library was developed by Adrien Corenflos. For any code related question feel free to open a discussion in the issues tab, and for more technical questions please email the article corresponding author adrien[dot]corenflos[at]aalto[dot]fi.

How to cite

If you like and use our code/build on our work, please cite us!


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