Check out the GitHub repo for Team 5's Teleoperated Extraterrestrial Rover from the University of Manchester HackABot2024 event.
- ESP32_VideoFeed.ino folder contains code for the video streaming and object detection in ESP32 Cam
- MotorControl folder contains the code to control the 4 motors based on the direction input of up, down, left, right, stop
- Robot Controller Android App contains the android app used to teleoperate the rover through Bluetooth
Create a Teleoperated Extraterrestrial Rover for Completing a Series of Tasks.
Within a 24-hour time limit, tasks included:
- Task 1: Teleoperating the robot to follow a designated path, maneuvering through diverse terrains such as sand, ramps, and bridges.
- Task 2: Remote operation of the robot using live camera data to contain and push ping-pong balls scattered across the arena into a central pit. Implemented color detection algorithms to identify the color of the ping-pong balls.
- Task 3: Conducting the final demonstration to exhibit the successful completion of all tasks and showcasing the innovations achieved within the allocated time frame at the University of Manchester's HackABot2024 event.
Our team of 3 successfully built and programmed a teleoperated robot in just 24 hours! This versatile robot tackled diverse terrains (sand, ramps, bridges) while completing two key tasks:
- Precise Path Following: We designed a control system allowing the robot to follow a designated path while being teleoperated remotely.
- Autonomous Ball Collection with Vision Guidance: The robot utilized live camera data and color detection algorithms to identify and maneuver ping-pong balls scattered across an arena. An inverted scooping arm efficiently pushed the balls into a central pit.
Components Used:
- Arduino Uno
- HW 130 Motor Controller (L293D Motor Driver Shield)
- HC-05 Bluetooth Module
- 4 x Wheels
- 4 x DC Motors
- 1 x Mini 9g Analog Servo Motor
Watch The Video (5x Speed)
The ESP32 Cam Color Detection code was originally written by fustyles.