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markjerz edited this page Jan 8, 2016 · 1 revision

We're built on top of Dashing so performance is pretty good!

The following tables list some benchmarks we've ran against various ORMs. For further information please take a look at the source code - it's highly probable that we've misunderstood some ORM and mis-represented it. Each test gives you an idea of the conciseness of writing code with Dashing - feel free to add anything to it.

Times are in milliseconds for 500 executions and this is running synchronous apis

Running SelectSingle

Select a single entity by Id

 41 Dapper
 44 Dashing (By Id without Transaction)
 45 ServiceStack (Without transaction)
 52 LightSpeed (FindById without transaction)
 70 ServiceStack
 71 Dashing (By Id)
 90 Dashing
100 LightSpeed (Linq)
156 EF
167 EF (Using Find with AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false)
834 Simple.Data

Running Fetch

Select a single entity, and eager load a single parent reference

 46 Dapper
 79 Dashing (Without transaction)
106 Dashing
170 EF

Running Get And Change

Select a single entity, change a property and save the entity

 96 Dapper
114 ServiceStack (without transaction)
115 Dashing (By Id without transaction)
145 LightSpeed (without explicit transaction)
147 Dashing (By Id)
148 ServiceStack
151 LightSpeed
191 Dashing
475 EF

Running Fetch Collection

Select a single entity, eager loading a collection

151 Dapper (Multiple Result Method)
166 Dapper (Naive)
201 Dashing (without transaction)
209 Dashing
394 EF

Running Fetch Multiple Collections

Select a single entity, eager loading 2 collections on the root entity

349 Dashing
571 EF

Running Fetch Multiple Multiple Collections

Select multiple entities, eager loading 2 collections

2167 EF
2379 Dashing (without Transaction)
2490 Dashing

Running Fetch Multiple Chained Collections

3,311 Dashing (without Transaction)
3,355 Dashing
3,496 EF