Robot is able to calibrate itself and type on any computer.
For the final project, the team aimed to create a solution to a problem faced by a myriad of people around the world. Typing was chosen as it is an increasingly quintessential skill in today’s digitized world. As time has evolved, an increasing number of people have mastered this skill, however there remains a select few who have yet to bolster the skill, or are prevented from doing so due to injuries, disabilities, etc. This is the problem the group attempted to solve. The aim was to bridge the gap between those who can type and those who can’t so that everyone can reap the benefits of modern technology. Additionally, the group also aimed to combat a problem faced by every country during war- the loss of lives. Although modern technology is responsible for an array of comforts, it has also introduced a new battle plane- digital warfare. Hackers are increasingly becoming the most important members of nations worldwide as they possess the skills that can bring the most powerful countries to their knees through digital espionage. A robot with the ability to hack into enemy defenses whilst behind the lines would eliminate the need of sending in a human to do the job- thus saving lives.