This website is made as part of the CS102 lab coursework under the guidance of Akanksha Mishra ma'am.
This Website is made by Pranav Todkar, Aayush Yadav and Abhinav Reddy by using the concepts of HTML and CSS. We are the students from Indian Institute of Technology, Goa from the Computer Science and Engineering and Maths and Computing Departments.This website is made for a project which we 3 members got assigned for CS102 course which we are pursuing right now. In this website, we have tried to use each and every concepts which we were taught on CS102 course by our Clint P. George Sir and by our TA Akanksha Mishra Ma'am and also included some extra concepts which we found from internet and some other resources. So, if you wanna know what is this website all about, you can read below.
Infopedia is an elibrary where one can read and buy from a place with just a click right away. Our job here is to make different catergories of books available to our viewers and share tons of knowledge to all our enthusiastic viewers. Here you can find various soft copies of books related to Science, Novels, Mathematics, History, Computer Science and Finance. We also provide some basic information regarding the book like details about the author, cost of the book, no. of pages, year when it got published, and its review. We also provide some information about that particular book in order to know the viewers about that particular book. Not only that, if any person wants to buy that book, then one can buy that same book from the paid books section. We also recommend some books based on its reviews so that a person can feel good about it while reading. We also provide daily updates regarding news on various areas so that people gets all news updates in time. You can find them in the news feed section of the main page. In order to not feel you getting bored, we also provide some general information so that you might get interested on knowing more about it which you can find on general info section on main page. We always work with honesty and dignity and keep on improving which we can do with your honest opinion about us. So you can send your opinion to us using contact page. In case of any help, you can contact us by clicking on the contact page. You can also follow our social media handles for knowing our latest updates. I hope you have got an idea about our website. So, now you can start exploring our website
- Tables - For arranging books into columns in Home page and for listing books in the category pages
- Unordered list - For listing book specifications in the free e-book page
- Image and Anchor tags, div, span etc. - Used in abundance in pages for linking the pages, organising sections, etc.
- postion - For organise the page structure
- hover - used to make button which gives feedback on hover
- Font, color, background color and other properties - For making the website visually appealing
- Pranav - Landing page design, logo design
- Aayush - Category pages design, free ebooks pages design, research articles page design, collected images and content for the website
- Abhinav - Category pages design, free ebooks pages design, collected images and content for the website