### FFmpeg with libRTMP for Android
This is a little bash scripts collection that can help if you want to build FFmpeg for Android with or without libRTMP support.
This is how it works:
- You need to set the appropiate NDK path, Android target platform and target cpu into the configuration.sh file. SYSROOT and TOOLCHAIN parameters may need to be adjusted depending on which NDK version you want to use.
- Run build-ffmpeg-android.sh or build-ffmpeg-librtmp-android.sh and wait until FFmpeg and all dependecies needed are built.
- The resulting binaries for FFmpeg and its dependencies will be placed into the build/ directory.
For now, this have only been tested in OS X and Ubuntu 12.04 with NDK r9d, so feel free to improve it and send a pull request :)
### Contributions
OnlyInAmerica: https://github.com/OnlyInAmerica/FFmpeg-Android.git
The Guardian Project: https://github.com/guardianproject/openssl-android.git