The project exhibits the functionality of the page-rank algorithm on 20,000 HTML input files using Apache spark (Map-reduce) and by computing cosine similarity of each file.
inverted-index-pyspark-post.ipynb :
Performs mapper and reducer tasks for approx 20,000 HTML files (input files).
generates inv_idx.txt and mag_doc.txt files as the final output of this python file.
These text files hold the values required for computing cosine similarity of each file.
CSC_502_project_DB_+_Interface.ipynb :
Database: Contains code for generating tables out of text files generated in the above step (using sqlite3).
Interface : Contains HTML components like a text box to enter a search query, a search button, and a text area to display the results.
Onclick Functionality: a function that computes the cosine similarity on the click of a search button that takes the enter search query as input and returns the most relevant document(among the input HTML files) to the search query.