The DiverseSelector library provides methods for selecting a diverse subset of a (molecular) dataset.
Please use the following citation in any publication using DiverseSelector library:
The following dependencies are required to run DiverseSelector properly,
- Python >= 3.6:
- NumPy >= 1.21.5:
- SciPy >= 1.5.0:
- PyTest >= 5.3.4:
- PyTest-Cov >= 2.8.0:
To install DiverseSelector using the conda package management system, install miniconda or anaconda first, and then:
# Create and activate myenv conda environment (optional, but recommended)
conda create -n myenv python=3.6
conda activate myenv
# Install the stable release.
conda install -c theochem qc-
To install DiverseSelector with pip, you may want to create a virtual environment, and then:
# Install the stable release.
pip install qc-
See HTML for full details.